The conference unit
Check that the ringer switch is not set to OFF.
does not ring
Check that no other phones on the same line have been
left ‘off the hook’
Do you have too many phones connected? The
Conference Unit has a Ringer Equivalence Number or
‘REN’ of 1. Please check the other phones on the line.
They must not add up to more than a total REN of 4.
If connected to a switchboard, please check that your
switchboard supports analogue telephone operation.
Check that the telephone line and mains power are
connected properly to the Unit and the wall sockets.
There is no dial tone
Check that the telephone line and mains power are
connected properly to the Unit and the wall sockets.
Check the telephone line by replacing the Conference
Unit with a known working phone.
The RECALL button does
Check that the PULSE/TONE switch is on the right
not work
setting for your line. Please refer to page 3.
The JOIN button does
Check with the telephony provider that Three Way
not work
Calling is active on your line and then follow the steps
on page 5.
The ON/OFF and
Check that the telephone line and mains power are
SECRECY indicator lights
connected properly to the Unit and the wall sockets.
do not light
Check that you have pressed the ON/OFF button and
the SECRECY button during a call.
If you are still experiencing difficulty, please call the Helpline on
0911 023 5014
Lines are open:
9.00am – 6.30pm, Monday to Friday and
9.00am – 5.00pm, Saturday.
* Calls to this number are charged at 12 pence for the initial connection
and then at local call rate thereafter.
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