LINK PILOT manual EN Version 1.0 January 2021
7. Ensure the handle is free and laid to the desired side before closing the next
flaps in the sequence shown in image 5.
10. Tuck the end of the handle in the
neoprene pocket. The handle should be
secured using a light thread with 2daN
strength, eg ordinary sewing thread.
This thread should break
the handle is pulled intentionally.
11. Blank patches are provided to cover
the unused Velcro on the opposite side
to the handle.
8. Locate the yellow cable of the release
handle in the cable guides (arrows),
then remove the packing-aid cord.
9. Close the top flap and tuck it into
the pocket on the flap below (arrow).
The correct location of the yellow cable
through the reserve loop can be checked
through the clear plastic window. Position
the handle on the Velcro patches.