BRP Lynx 49 Ranger PRO 600R E-TEC Operator'S Manual Download Page 1









Diissrreeggaarrddiinngg aannyy ooff tthhee ssaaffeettyy pprreeccaauuttiioonnss aanndd iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss

ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn tthhee ooppeerraattoorr’’ss gguuiiddee,, SSAAFFEETTYY VVIID


O aanndd oonn pprroodd--

uucctt ssaaffeettyy llaabbeellss ccoouulldd ccaauussee iinnjjuurryy iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee ppoossssiibbiilliittyy ooff










Includes Safety, Use and Maintenance




Read this guide thoroughly. It contains important safety information.

Minimum recommended operator age: 16 years old. Keep this opera-

tor’s guide in the vehicle.





Summary of Contents for Lynx 49 Ranger PRO 600R E-TEC

Page 1: ...lld d c ca au us se e iin njju ur ry y iin nc cllu ud diin ng g t th he e p po os ss siib biilliit ty y o of f d de ea at th h TM AND THE BRP LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF BOMBARDIER RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS IN...

Page 2: te e o of f C Ca alliif fo or rn niia a t to o c ca au us se e c ca an nc ce er r a an nd d b biir rt th h d de ef fe ec ct ts s o or r o ot th he er r r re ep pr ro o d du uc ct tiiv ve e h ha ar...

Page 3: ol Es posible que este manual est disponible en su idioma Consulte a su distribuidor o visite www operatorsguides brp com Fran ais Ce guide peut tre disponible dans votre langue V rifier avec votr...

Page 4: ...2 Models 49 Ranger PRO 600R E TEC 59 Ranger STD 600 EFI Commander STD 600R E TEC LTD XTerrain Brutal 850 E TEC OPERATOR S GUIDE...

Page 5: ...R W WI IT TH H T TH HE E S SN NO OW WM MO OB BI IL LE E 2 21 1 Track Propulsion System 21 Steering 21 Tether Cord 22 Braking 22 Parking Brake 22 Carrying Loads 22 Towing Loads 23 Towing Another Snowmo...

Page 6: Switch 97 S SE EC CO ON ND DA AR RY Y C CO ON NT TR RO OL LS S 1 10 00 0 Multifunction Switch if equipped 100 Rotary Control 107 Console Switch if equipped 109 Gearshift Lever 111 Rewind Starter H...

Page 7: ...N N P PE ER RI IO OD D 1 19 94 4 Operation During Break In 194 B BA AS SI IC C P PR RO OC CE ED DU UR RE ES S 1 19 95 5 Engine Starting Procedure 195 Emergency Starting 196 Vehicle Warm Up 198 Reverse...

Page 8: ...L LA AB BE EL LS S 2 29 91 1 EPA Compliance Label 291 SSCC Label 292 N NO OI IS SE E E EM MI IS SS SI IO ON N A AN ND D V VI IB BR RA AT TI IO ON N V VA AL LU UE ES S 2 29 93 3 E EC C D DE EC CL LA A...


Page 10: ...8 Europe 347 North America 347 Oceania 347 South America 347 C CH HA AN NG GE E O OF F A AD DD DR RE ES SS S O OW WN NE ER RS SH HI IP P 3 34 48 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS...


Page 12: ...accessories you may require Your dealer is committed to your satisfaction He has taken training to perform the initial set up and inspection of your snowmobile as well as completed the final adjustmen...

Page 13: ...ions before you operate the vehicle safety information vehicle information Also read all safety labels on your snowmobile and watch attentively your safety video located at w ww ww w b br rp plly yn n...

Page 14: ...riio ou us s iin njju ur ry y o or r d de ea at th h C CA AU UT TI IO ON N I In nd diic ca at te es s a a h ha az za ar rd d s siit tu ua at tiio on n w wh hiic ch h iif f n no ot t a av vo oiid de e...

Page 15: ...nstructing others maintenance and troubleshooting Note that this guide is available in several languages In the event of any discrepancy the English version shall prevail If you want to view and or pr...

Page 16: ...t set an example for those who are new to the sport young and old alike It is in every one s best interest to tread lightly into our recreational areas Because in the long run to protect the sport we...

Page 17: where quiet is the order of the day Snowmobilers know all too well the efforts that have been made throughout the sport s history to enjoy access to areas where people can snowmobile safely and res...

Page 18: ...16 This page is intention ally blank RESPECT OF THE ENVIRONMENT...


Page 20: ...judgment or operation of the controls is not recommended The safe use of your snowmobile depends on many conditions such as visibility speed weather environment traffic vehicle condition and the cond...

Page 21: ...which have sufficient insulation and allow use of thumbs and fingers for operation of controls Rubber bottom boots with either a nylon or a leather top with remov able felt liners are best suited for...

Page 22: ...20 SAFETY INFORMATION Avalanche beacon When riding in an area with avalanche risk BEFORE YOU GO...

Page 23: ...The track grips on the snow covered surface and pushes the snowmobile in the oppo site direction of the force applied on the surface Stay away from the track Personal injury will result if contact is...

Page 24: cargo at the rear Never jam the brake and lock the track Be sure to use re straint in braking to keep from blocking the track in order to avoid sur prises that could lead to a loss of control Using...

Page 25: ...the recommendations Always use a rigid tow bar to tow a cargo carrier or an accessory Never tow a load using a rope Using a rope would result in a colli sion between the load and the snowmobile and p...

Page 26: ...t uation only a rope can be used Remove the drive belt Refer to Maintenance Procedures for more details Attach the rope to the ski legs spindles n no ot t to the skis If the ski legs are not accessibl...

Page 27: ...e either equipped with a Factory installed track approved by BRP for special studs installation Factory pre studded track or that can received one of these tracks Always refer to your authorized BRP s...

Page 28: ...ter grip so that the front and rear of the snowmobile are in balance While off the shelf carbide ski runners are adequate they don t necessarily give you optimal control since that depends on your per...

Page 29: ...te ee er riin ng g In certain conditions the use of studs on the track could make the snowmobile prone to understeering if the skis are not equipped with more aggressive ski carbide runners see illust...

Page 30: ...ction under certain conditions Always go easy on the throttle and never try to spin the track to make the rear of the snowmobile skid This could cause debris or ice to be thrown violently backwards po...

Page 31: ...e to maintain proper balance Generally the riding position for best balance and control is sitting However the posting kneeling or standing positions are also used under certain conditions W WA AR RN...

Page 32: ...30 SAFETY INFORMATION K Kn ne ee elliin ng g This position is achieved by placing one foot firmly on the running board and the opposite knee on the seat Avoid abrupt stops RIDE SAFELY...

Page 33: ...s should be flexed to ab sorb the shock from surface bumps This is an effective position to see better and to shift weight as conditions dictate Avoid abrupt stop R Riid de er r P Po os siit tiio on n...

Page 34: ...e h ha an nd dlle eb ba ar r a an nd d t th he e o op pe er ra at to or r Even when a passenger is allowed this person must be physically fit for snowmobiling Any passenger must always be able to fir...

Page 35: ...that all mem bers of the party are aware of the proposed route and destination When riding with others limit your abilities to the experience of others Never overtake the trail boss or for that matte...

Page 36: ...d in a fist A Av vo oiid diin ng g C Co olllliis siio on ns s Wherever riding your vehicle always be on the look out for the unex pected Operate defensively Scan constantly for people objects con diti...

Page 37: ...ent Never attempt jump ing in a trail A loss of control could lead to an impact with different ele ments like rock or tree or with another snowmobile When jumping be prepared for landing to absorb the...

Page 38: ...the handlebar and as sume a posting position Feet should be under the body assuming a crouched position to absorb any jarring effect On longer stretches of washboard trails the kneeling position of o...

Page 39: ...are two types of hills you can encounter the open hill on which there are few trees cliffs or other obstacles and a hill that can only be climbed directly On an open hill the approach is to climb it...

Page 40: avoided Staying off unstable conditions is the key to safe mountain riding Probably most important is to be aware of the conditions and dangers on a daily basis when in the mountains Check local a...

Page 41: one time or another Too many accidents have been caused by running into wires in the fields guy wires next to poles and roads and into chains and wires used as road closures Slow speeds are a must...

Page 42: ...wildlife Fatigue and exhaustion can lead to animal s death Avoid areas posted for the pro tection or feeding of wildlife If you happen to be fortunate enough to see an animal stop your snowmobile and...

Page 43: ...uce the risk of fire or explosion follow these instructions Use only an approved red gasoline container to store fuel Strictly adhere to instructions in Vehicle Fueling Procedure Never start or operat...

Page 44: ...g g t th he e E Em me er rg ge en nc cy y E En ng giin ne e S St to op p S Sw wiit tc ch h Purpose Become familiar with the operation of throttle lever and to be come familiar with using the engine st...

Page 45: ...gine can be stopped by pressing down on the emergency engine stop switch or by pulling the tether cord cap from the engine cut off switch while applying brake B Ba as siic c T Tu ur rn ns s Purpose Ge...

Page 46: ...l you need to keep the track in rotation O Op pe er ra at tiin ng g iin n R Re ev ve er rs se e Purpose Become familiar with the vehicle handling and turning radius in reverse Directions Shift into re...

Page 47: ...l 4 Insert the spout into the filler neck 5 Pour fuel slowly so that air can escape from the tank and prevent fuel flow back Be careful not to spill fuel 6 Stop filling after the release of the gas pu...

Page 48: ...ON N O OI IL L Injection Oil is flammable when heated Never use an open flame to check oil level Never smoke or allow flame or spark in vicinity Always proceed in a well ventilated area Refer to Inje...

Page 49: ...rtain all equipment is securely fastened Cover your snow mobile when trailering to prevent road grime from causing damage Be certain your trailer meets state or provincial requirements Ensure the hitc...

Page 50: ...vehicle for the safety of the operator passenger or bystanders The following labels are on your vehicle and they should be consid ered permanent parts of the vehicle If missing or damaged the decals c...

Page 51: ...rt ts s W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell W WA AR RN NI IN NG G B Be ew wa ar re e o of f r ro ot ta at tiin ng g p pa ar rt ts s 516009920 R RO OT TA AT TI IN NG G P PA AR RT TS S W WA AR RN NI IN...


Page 53: ...INFORMATION 51 S Sh ho oc ck k A Ab bs so or rb be er r W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell S SH HO OC CK K A AB BS SO OR RB BE ER RS S W WA AR RN NI IN NG G L LA AB BE EL L SAFETY INFORMATION ON THE...

Page 54: ...uel vapors may ignite in presence of a spark creating a fire hazard Toujours d brancher les connecteurs lectriques des deux injecteurs d essence avant de v rifier la production d tincelles Autrement u...


Page 56: ollt t r re ec co om mm me en nd de ed d t to or rq qu ue e iis s 1 11 15 5 t to o 1 12 25 5 N Nm m 8 85 5 t to o 9 92 2 llb bf f f ft t N No ot t a ap pp plly yiin ng g t th he e r re ec co om mm...

Page 57: ...s C Ca au ut tiio on n L La ab be ell C CA AU UT TI IO ON N B Be ew wa ar re e o of f h ho ot t p pa ar rt ts s 516009935 B BE EW WA AR RE E O OF F H HO OT T P PA AR RT TS S C CA AU UT TI IO ON N L LA...

Page 58: ...ION D Do o N No ot t O Op pe en n W Wh he en n H Ho ot t W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell D DO O N NO OT T O OP PE EN N W WH HE EN N H HO OT T W WA AR RN NI IN NG G L LA AB BE EL L SAFETY INFORMATI...

Page 59: ...s C Ca au ut tiio on n L La ab be ell C CA AU UT TI IO ON N B Be ew wa ar re e o of f H HO OT T p pa ar rt ts s 516009922 B BE EW WA AR RE E O OF F H HO OT T P PA AR RT TS S C CA AU UT TI IO ON N L LA...


Page 61: ...ell W WA AR RN NI IN NG G T Th hiis s g gu ua ar rd d m mu us st t A AL LW WA AY YS S b be e iin n p plla ac ce e w wh he en n e en ng giin ne e iis s r ru un nn niin ng g 516009932 D DI IS SK K G GU...

Page 62: ...ciin ng g f fo or rw wa ar rd d N NE EV VE ER R t to ow w t th hiis s v ve eh hiic clle e f fa ac ciin ng g b ba ac ck kw wa ar rd d W Wiin nd ds sh hiie elld d c co ou ulld d d de et ta ac ch h a an...

Page 63: ...SAFETY INFORMATION 61 S Sa af fe et ty y W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell 4 49 9 R Ra an ng ge er r S SA AF FE ET TY Y W WA AR RN NI IN NG G L LA AB BE EL L SAFETY INFORMATION ON THE VEHICLE...


Page 65: ...t tiin ng g P Pr ro oc ce ed du ur re es s W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell 4 49 9 R Ra an ng ge er r D DR RI IV VI IN NG G A AN ND D S ST TA AR RT TI IN NG G P PR RO OC CE ED DU UR RE ES S W WA AR...


Page 67: ...INFORMATION 65 P Pa as ss se en ng ge er r W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell 4 49 9 R Ra an ng ge er r P PA AS SS SE EN NG GE ER R W WA AR RN NI IN NG G L LA AB BE EL L SAFETY INFORMATION ON THE VE...


Page 69: ...N NG G R Re ef fe er r t to o t th he e o op pe er ra at to or r s s g gu uiid de e f fo or r m mo or re e d de et ta aiills s M Ma ak ke e s su ur re e t th he e p pa as ss se en ng ge er r h ha an n...



Page 72: ...ed diin ng g m ma ax xiim mu um m c ca ar rg go o m ma ay y a af ff fe ec ct t s st te ee er riin ng g c co on nt tr ro oll b br ra ak kiin ng g a ab biilliit ty y a an nd d c ca au us se e p pe er rm...

Page 73: ...d c ca au us siin ng g s se ev ve er re e iin njju ur riie es s T To o r re em mo ov ve e p pa ac ck ke ed d s sn no ow w iic ce e s st to op p e en ng giin ne e lliif ft t a an nd d h ho olld d v ve...

Page 74: ...a ab be ell E Ex xc ce ep pt t 4 49 9 R Ra an ng ge er r Lue k ytt j n k sikirja ja tutustu turvallisuusohjeisiin ennen moottorikelkan k ytt 5 1 6 0 0 9 9 2 7 _ L H _ 0 1 S ST TA AR RT TI IN NG G P PR...


Page 76: e S Sw we ed diis sh h W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell E Ex xc ce ep pt t 4 49 9 R Ra an ng ge er r D DR RI IV VI IN NG G A AN ND D S ST TA AR RT TI IN NG G P PR RO OC CE ED DU UR RE ES S W WA...


Page 78: ...r re e E En ng glliis sh h W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La ab be ell E Ex xc ce ep pt t 4 49 9 R Ra an ng ge er r 516009927_RH S ST TA AR RT TI IN NG G P PR RO OC CE ED DU UR RE E E EN NG GL LI IS SH H W WA...

Page 79: ...he e t tr ra ac ck k u un nlle es ss s iit t h ha as s b be ee en n a ap pp pr ro ov ve ed d f fo or r s st tu ud ds s R Re ef fe er r t to o t th he e o op pe er ra at to or r s s g gu uiid de e f f...

Page 80: g A AL LW WA AY YS S m ma ak ke e s su ur re e t th ha at t t th he e lla at tc ch h o on n e ea ac ch h s siid de e o of f t th he e s se ea at t o or r t th he e a ac cc ce es ss so or ry y iis...

Page 81: mm ma ab blle e o or r d da an ng ge er ro ou us s lliiq qu uiid ds s iin ns siid de e c ca ar rg go o b bo ox x I If f iig gn niit te ed d t th hiis s c ca an n lle ea ad d t to o a an n e ex xp...

Page 82: m c ca ar rg go o m ma ay y a af ff fe ec ct t s st te ee er riin ng g c co on nt tr ro oll b br ra ak kiin ng g a ab biilliit ty y a an nd d c ca au us se e p pe er rm ma an ne en nt t d da am ma...


Page 84: ...siin ng g s se ev ve er re e iin njju ur riie es s T To o r re em mo ov ve e p pa ac ck ke ed d s sn no ow w iic ce e s st to op p e en ng giin ne e lliif ft t a an nd d h ho olld d v ve eh hiic clle...


Page 86: st tm me en nt t T To oo olls s Install suspension adjustment tool first Illustrated Red on label Install pulley expander and Headlight adjustment tool second Il lustrated Blue on label Refer to T...

Page 87: the Technical Specifications for appropriate fuel type for your vehicle engine A AK KI I R RO ON N M MO ON N 2 2 O OC CT TA AN NE E R RA AT TI IN NG G N NO OT TI IC CE E L LA AB BE EL L R RO ON N...


Page 89: ...his snowmobile has been developed and validated using the BRP XPSTM approved lubricant BRP recommends the use of its XPSTM approved lubricant or equivalent Damages caused by oil which is not suitable...


Page 91: ...if fiic ca at tiio on ns s Refer to the Technical Specifications in this operator s guide or to label on the vehicle for appropriate track tension for your vehicle T TR RA AC CK K D DE EF FL LE EC CT...

Page 92: ...6 All storage compartments must be properly latched and they must not contain any heavy or breakable objects Hood and side panels must be also properly latched 7 Activate the throttle control lever se...

Page 93: ...ELT Check for cracks fraying or abnormal wear and proper height THROTTLE LEVER Check for proper operation BRAKE LEVER Check for proper operation PARKING BRAKE BRAKE Check for proper operation BRAKE FL...

Page 94: ...92 SAFETY INFORMATION LIGHTS Check for proper operation HORN BUTTON IF EQUIPPED Check for proper operation PRE RIDE INSPECTION...


Page 96: ...turned right or left to steer the snowmobile W WA AR RN NI IN NG G F Fa as st t r re ev ve er rs se e w wh hiille e t tu ur rn niin ng g c co ou ulld d r re es su ullt t iin n llo os ss s o of f s st...

Page 97: ...s st ta ar rt tiin ng g t th he e e en ng giin ne e T Th he e lle ev ve er r m mu us st t r re et tu ur rn n t to o t th he e r re es st t p po os siit tiio on n o on nc ce e r re e lle ea as se ed d...

Page 98: ...lever 2 To apply brake P Pa ar rk kiin ng g B Br ra ak ke e L Le ev ve er r Parking brake lever is located on the LH side of handlebar T TY YP PI IC CA AL L Parking brake should be used whenever snowm...

Page 99: ...m m a an nd d c ca au us se e llo os ss s o of f b br ra ak kiin ng g c ca ap pa ac ciit ty y a an nd d o or r f fiir re e T To o E En ng ga ag ge e P Pa ar rk kiin ng g B Br ra ak ke e Apply and hold...

Page 100: ...L To stop the engine in an emergency push the switch down in OFF po sition and simultaneously apply the brake O OF FF F P PO OS SI IT TI IO ON N To allow engine starting pull the switch up in ON posi...

Page 101: ...G I If f t th he e s sw wiit tc ch h h ha as s b be ee en n u us se ed d iin n a an n e em me er rg ge en nc cy y c ca au us se ed d b by y a a s su us s p pe ec ct te ed d m ma allf fu un nc ct tiio...

Page 102: ...d be optional Vehicle safety labels are not shown on illustrations For information on vehicle safety labels refer to Vehicle Safety Labels M Mu ullt tiif fu un nc ct tiio on n S Sw wiit tc ch h iif f...

Page 103: ...nic Reverse button 2 Headlights dimmer switch 3 Heated grips switch 4 Heated throttle lever switch 5 Menu set button S St ta ar rt t E Elle ec ct tr ro on niic c R Re ev ve er rs se e B Bu ut tt to on...

Page 104: HI or LOW beam Lights are automatically ON when the engine is running H He ea at te ed d G Gr riip ps s S Sw wiit tc ch h N NO OT TE E Under 2000 RPM heated grips will be limited at 50 Depress...

Page 105: ...y settings When released display will return to fuel level Heated grips will be in OFF position when there are no bars displayed on the gauge N NO OT TE E For models with the Large Panoramic 7 8 Wide...

Page 106: ...thumb at a comfortable temperature V VA AR RI IA AB BL LE E I IN NT TE EN NS SI IT TY Y 1 Heated throttle lever switch 2 Increase heat 3 Decrease heat N NO OT TE E There are ten intensity settings Whe...

Page 107: ...when there are no bars displayed on the gauge N NO OT TE E For models with the Large Panoramic 7 8 Wide LCD Display refer to Large Panoramic 7 8 Wide LCD Display section M Me en nu u S Se et t B Bu ut...

Page 108: ...Au ud diio o V Vo ollu um me e C Co on nt tr ro oll M Mo od de ells s w wiit th h t th he e L La ar rg ge e P Pa an no or ra am miic c 7 7 8 8 W Wiid de e L LC CD D D Diis sp plla ay y This button is...

Page 109: ...e UP Answering a call Refer to Large Panoramic 7 8 Wide LCD Display section for complete information R Ro ot ta ar ry y C Co on nt tr ro oll The rotary control is located on the left side of the conso...

Page 110: ...ine temperature and battery voltage It will also shown air suspension adjustment if equipped BRP Connect button quick access to already downloaded APPS 3 4 2 3 4 2 1 1 Audio control 2 Center knob 3 Ve...

Page 111: ...d grips switch 3 Headlights dimmer switch S St ta ar rt t E Elle ec ct tr ro on niic c R Re ev ve er rs se e S Sw wiit tc ch h M Mo od de ells s w wiit th h 6 60 00 0 E EF FI I E En ng giin ne es s Tu...

Page 112: ...w wiit tc ch h N NO OT TE E Under 2000 RPM heated grips will be limited at 50 The switch on console controls simultaneously the handlebar grips and throttle lever heat intensity The balance between th...

Page 113: ...fuel level H HE EA AT TE ED D T TH HR RO OT TT TL LE E L LE EV VE ER R D DI IS SP PL LA AY Y Heated throttle lever will be in OFF position when there are no bars displayed on the gauge When the switch...

Page 114: ...Hiig gh h R Ra an ng ge e F Fo or rw wa ar rd d This position selects the high speed range of the gearbox It is the nor mal driving speed range It allows the vehicle to reach its maximum speed L Lo o...

Page 115: ...To engage mechanism pull handle slowly until a resistance is felt then pull vigo rously Slowly release handle N NO OT TE E The maximum torque that can be transmitted to the engine by the re wind start...

Page 116: ...rn n B Bu ut tt to on n iif f e eq qu uiip pp pe ed d F Fo or r v ve eh hiic clle es s s so olld d iin n F Fiin nlla an nd d Press on the horn button to activate the horn T TY YP PI IC CA AL L SECONDA...

Page 117: ...ds sh hiie elld d 1 Pull off the deflector pins off the grommets if applicable W WI IT TH H S SI ID DE E D DE EF FL LE EC CT TO OR RS S 2 Place hands on each sides of the windshield 3 Pull the windsh...

Page 118: ...alllliin ng g t th he e W Wiin nd ds sh hiie elld d 1 Lubricate the grommets using soapsuds N NO OT TI IC CE E D Do o n no ot t llu ub br riic ca at te e g gr ro om mm me et ts s w wiit th h a an ny y...

Page 119: ...117 C CE EN NT TE ER R T TA AB B W WI IT TH H S SI ID DE E D DE EF FL LE EC CT TO OR RS S 3 Secure windshield by inserting the windshield pins into the grommets BODY AND SEAT...

Page 120: ...St to or ra ag ge e C Co om mp pa ar rt tm me en nt t A storage compartment is located at the front of the vehicle above the gauge The Operator s Guide and the emergency starter rope are in the front...

Page 121: ...9 T TY YP PI IC CA AL L N NO OT TE E When closing make sure cover is secured properly You will hear a clic H Ho oo od d R Re em mo ov viin ng g t th he e H Ho oo od d 1 Remove hood screws BODY AND SEA...

Page 122: ...wever pay attention to the following T TI IG GH HT TE EN NI IN NG G T TO OR RQ QU UE E Hood Torx screw 2 5 0 2 Nm 22 2 lbf in U Up pp pe er r B Bo od dy y M Mo od du ulle e R Re em mo ov viin ng g t t...

Page 123: ...121 3 Remove the gauge support retaining screws T TY YP PI IC CA AL L 4 Lift the front of the gauge support then slide it forward to remove it BODY AND SEAT...

Page 124: ...ector and remove support 6 Lift storage compartement and disconnect 12V power outlet con nectors before removing the storage compartment if equipped 7 Disconnect the headlight and MAPTS 2 stroke engin...

Page 125: ...123 T TY YP PI IC CA AL L 8 Loosen the air intake duct clamp 9 Remove the upper body module retaining screws on both sides BODY AND SEAT...

Page 126: ...the following 1 Lower the upper body module in place N NO OT TE E Make sure the air intake duct is positioned correctly in the boot 2 Tighten air intake duct clamp t tiig gh ht te en niin ng g T To o...

Page 127: ...e P Pa an ne ells s W WA AR RN NI IN NG G N Ne ev ve er r o op pe er ra at te e e en ng giin ne e w wiit th h s siid de e p pa an ne ells s o op pe en ne ed d o or r r re em mo ov ve ed d f fr ro om...

Page 128: ...126 3 Disengage panel tabs 4 Free panel from side hull tab BODY AND SEAT...

Page 129: ...g t th he e S Siid de e P Pa an ne ells s The installation is the reverse of the removal procedure S Se ea at t S Se ea at t 4 40 00 0 m mm m 1 16 6 iin n T Tu un nn ne ell W Wiid dt th h R Re em mo...

Page 130: ...h he e s se ea at t a an nd d t th he e f fu ue ell t ta an nk k c co ou ulld d d da am ma ag ge e t th he e f fu ue ell t ta an nk k N NE EV VE ER R p plla ac ce e a an ny y o ob bjje ec ct ts s b be...

Page 131: ck kr re es st t R Re em mo ov viin ng g t th he e B Ba ac ck kr re es st t 1 Disengage the LinQ lever cap on both sides 2 Unlock the LinQ on both sides 3 Pull the backrest upwards to remove BODY...

Page 132: ...lld ds s iif f e eq qu uiip pp pe ed d The passenger handholds provide a strong holding point and comfort for the passenger on long rides A Ad djju us st tiin ng g t th he e P Pa as ss se en ng ge er...

Page 133: ...131 3 Reinstall the screws Tighten to specification T Tiig gh ht te en niin ng g T To or rq qu ue e Handhold screw 24 5 3 5 Nm 18 3 lbf ft BODY AND SEAT...

Page 134: hiic clle e w wiit th h a an ny y o ob bjje ec ct ts s b be et tw we ee en n t th he e s se ea at t a an nd d t th he e f fu ue ell t ta an nk k c co ou ulld d d da am ma ag ge e t th he e f fu ue...

Page 135: ...ha an nd dh ho olld ds s a at t a allll t tiim me es s w wh he en n s se ea at te ed d R Re es sp pe ec ct tiin ng g t th ho os se e p ph hy ys siic ca all c cr riit te er riia a iis s iim mp po or r...

Page 136: connector 3 Remove passenger seat I In ns st ta alllliin ng g t th he e P Pa as ss se en ng ge er r S Se ea at t The installation is the reverse of removal procedure However pay at tention to the f...

Page 137: ...35 1 First step 2 Second step W WA AR RN NI IN NG G E En ns su ur re e t th he e lla at tc ch h iis s o on n t th he e s se ec co on nd d s st te ep p b be ef fo or re e r riid diin ng g BODY AND SEAT...

Page 138: ...e eq qu uiip pp pe ed d A heated cell case is mounted underneath the front storage compart ment cover It allows to keep your cell phone at a warm temperature while charging The temperature inside the...

Page 139: ...can be adjusted to suit operator s preference W WA AR RN NI IN NG G A Ad djju us st t w wiit th h v ve eh hiic clle e a at t r re es st t iin n a a s sa af fe e p plla ac ce e When installing a cover...

Page 140: ...osition On an excep tional basis it can be used at very slow speed only when standing on the right running board to bring the vehicle back on its desired path When riding both hands should remain on t...

Page 141: e w wh hiille e r riid diin ng g a at t s sp pe ee ed d S St te ee er riin ng g c co on nt tr ro oll iis s h hiig gh hlly y r re e d du uc ce ed d a an nd d b br ra ak ke e c co on nt tr ro oll ii...

Page 142: ...lld ds s a an nd d b be ellt t g gu ua ar rd d s se ec cu ur re elly y iin ns st ta alllle ed d W Wiit th h h ho oo od d a an nd d o or r s siid de e p pa an ne ells s o op pe en ne ed d o or r r re e...

Page 143: ...ion of guard then release from front tab I In ns st ta alllliin ng g t th he e D Dr riiv ve e B Be ellt t G Gu ua ar rd d Insert belt guard tab in front support slot Push drive belt guard toward engin...

Page 144: ...142 Position the rear portion of the belt guard over the retainer and secure it using the retaining pin EQUIPMENT...

Page 145: ...Be ellt t H Ho olld de er r A spare drive belt can be stored in a holder located on the drive belt guard N NO OT TE E The spare drive belt is not supplied with the snowmobile Position spare drive belt...

Page 146: ...CA AL L 1 Drive belt guard 2 Slot Secure in place by sliding it behind the tabs T TY YP PI IC CA AL L T To oo olls s A part of the drive belt guard is designed to hold the tools allowing for basic mai...

Page 147: ...and headlight adjustment tool Install in the following sequence C CA AU UT TI IO ON N M Ma ak ke e s su ur re e t to oo olls s a ar re e s se ec cu ur re ed d p pr ro op pe er rlly y T To oo olls s m...

Page 148: ...3 Slide the Pulley expander and headlight adjustment tool short end into hole P PU UL LL LE EY Y E EX XP PA AN ND DE ER R A AN ND D H HE EA AD DL LI IG GH HT T A AD DJ JU US ST TM ME EN NT T T TO OO O...

Page 149: ...147 R Re ea ar r S St to or ra ag ge e C Co om mp pa ar rt tm me en nt t A storage compartment is located at the rear of the seat above the battery cover To open tilt passenger seat EQUIPMENT...

Page 150: ...148 1 Unlock seat latch 2 Tilt passenger seat Lift handle EQUIPMENT...

Page 151: ...149 C Ca ar rg go o B Bo ox x iif f e eq qu uiip pp pe ed d The cargo box is secured by LinQ attachment To Install follow the steps 1 Slide cargo bag toward LH side 2 Lower cargo bag EQUIPMENT...

Page 152: ...150 Turn LinQ levers as shown to lock EQUIPMENT...

Page 153: ...fer to decal on vehicle for towing weight capacities Hitch type availability depends on applicable models and regions H Hiit tc ch h r re ec ce eiiv ve er r Use the hitch in conjunction with a tow bar...

Page 154: ...152 J J H Ho oo ok k H Hiit tc ch h EQUIPMENT...

Page 155: ...153 To open the hook push and turn the handle to retract locking plate EQUIPMENT...

Page 156: d t to ow w b ba ar r U Us siin ng g a a r ro op pe e w wo ou ulld d r re es su ullt t iin n a a c co olllliis siio on n b be et tw we ee en n t th he e o ob bjje ec ct t a an nd d t th he e s sn n...

Page 157: ...May display the following RPM Speed Engine Temperature Fuel Statistics Settings Messages Outside temperature if equipped Use LOWER button to change the displayed information The SPEED STAT display sho...

Page 158: ...level indicator Heated Grip level R Riig gh ht t L La at te er ra all D Diis sp plla ay y The right lateral display includes Engine Temperature Heated throttle indicator C Ce en nt tr ra all D Diis sp...

Page 159: may become serious Some lamps will illuminate when starting the ve hicle to make sure they work If any lamps remain on after starting the vehicle refer to the respective system warning lamp for fur...

Page 160: ...rake system RED The battery voltage too low or problem with the electrical system RED Low engine oil pressure if applicable ORANGE Low fuel level ORANGE T Tu ur rn n o on n Malfunction of the vehicle...

Page 161: ...g LOWER button select U UN NI IT TS S and hold button to change units S Se et tt tiin ng g C Cllo oc ck k Using LOWER button select C CL LO OC CK K to change the clock 1 Press LOWER button to select c...

Page 162: tiin ng g L La an ng gu ua ag ge e The gauge display language can be changed Refer to an authorized BRP snowmobile dealer for language availability and to setup the gauge to your preference 4 5 DIG...

Page 163: ...161 7 7 2 2 D DI IG GI IT TA AL L D DI IS SP PL LA AY Y M Mu ullt tiif fu un nc ct tiio on n D Diis sp plla ay y M ME EN NU U M M B BU UT TT TO ON N...

Page 164: ...r or center display by using the MENU M button on the multifunction switch M ME EN NU U M M B BU UT TT TO ON N 2 While the desired display is flashing navigate through the display by using the SET S b...

Page 165: ...ed information is displayed press the MENU M button or wait 5 seconds to confirm M ME EN NU U M M B BU UT TT TO ON N To reset Average speed Top speed Total fuel consumption Press and hold the SET S bu...

Page 166: ...ay shows the Maximum and the averaged speed Hold MENU button for 3 seconds to reset L Le ef ft t L La at te er ra all D Diis sp plla ay y The left lateral display includes Fuel level indicator Heated...

Page 167: ...D Diis sp plla ay y The right lateral display includes Engine Temperature Heated throttle indicator Clock C Ce en nt tr ra all D Diis sp plla ay y Display the vehicle speed in Km h or MPH or the RPMs...

Page 168: ...A AC CS S S Su us sp pe en ns siio on n P Po os siit tiio on n D Diis sp plla ay y iif f e eq qu uiip pp pe ed d This display shows suspension setting The suspension is calibrated from 1 to 5 1 being...

Page 169: ...tune your ride section for proper adjustment procedure D Dr riiv viin ng g M Mo od de e D Diis sp plla ay y The driving mode display indicates the selected mode of operation SPORT ECO STANDARD 7 2 DIG...

Page 170: ...o Eco OFF W Wa ar rn niin ng g L La am mp ps s a an nd d I In nd diic ca at to or rs s The following indicator lamps will alert you to a vehicle condition that may become serious Some lamps will illum...

Page 171: ...em with the electrical system RED Low engine oil pressure if applicable ORANGE Low fuel level ORANGE T Tu ur rn n o on n Malfunction of the vehicle emissions control system B Blliin nk k Engine proble...

Page 172: ...lect C CL LO OC CK K and hold to change units 1 Press MENU button to select clock display 2 Push and hold MENU button for 1 second 3 Press MENU button to select 12 00 AM PM or 24 00 time base 4 Push a...

Page 173: ...tiio on ns s L LC CD D D Diis sp plla ay y D De ef fa au ullt t D Diis sp plla ay y M Mu ullt tiif fu un nc ct tiio on n D Diis sp plla ay y L Le ef ft t L La at te er ra all D Diis sp plla ay y The l...


Page 175: ...set of statistic to be shown Trip A Trip B or Total R Riig gh ht t L La at te er ra all D Diis sp plla ay y The right lateral display includes Tachometer Audio volume Audio output indicator Menu BRP...

Page 176: ...c clle ea ar r a an nd d f fr re ee e f fr ro om m o ob b s st ta ac clle es s F Fu ur rt th he er rm mo or re e w wh he en n r riid diin ng g o on nlly y g glla an nc ce e a at t t th he e m mu ullt...

Page 177: ...lowing indicator lamps will alert you to a vehicle condition that may become serious Some lamps will illuminate when starting the ve hicle to make sure they work If any lamps remain on after starting...

Page 178: ...h RED Parking brake is engaged or malfunction of the brake system RED The battery voltage too low or problem with the electrical system RED Low engine oil pressure if applicable ORANGE Low fuel level...

Page 179: ct tiio on n D Diis sp plla ay y I Ic co on n D De es sc cr riip pt tiio on n Smartphone Network connection Bluetooth device Smartphone battery level indicator Helmet pairing indicator Fuel indicat...

Page 180: ...ted via Bluetooth a an nd d with a USB ca ble to the USB port located in the glove box User s personnal data will be deleted from the cluster when phone pairing is deleted User agree that personnal da...

Page 181: ...e menu is to access The phone history The phone contact list N NO OT TE E To have access to the Phone menu a phone and rider helmet must be paired Refer to Pair your Smartphone Via Bluetooth LARGE PAN...

Page 182: ...of statistics are kept in memory Each set of statistic can be re set independently Press knob to enter into the stats trip screen Move the knob left or right to select another trip Press the knob to e...

Page 183: ...ance Show vehicle fault codes P Pa aiir riin ng g y yo ou ur r S Sm ma ar rt tp ph ho on ne e V Viia a B Bllu ue et to oo ot th h O On n t th he e V Ve eh hiic clle e 1 Short press the r ro ot ta ar r...

Page 184: ...for Android 2 2 D Do ow wn nllo oa ad d A Ap pp ps s C Co om mp pa at tiib blle e W Wiit th h B BR RP P C Co on nn ne ec ct t Visit our website to know more about the compatible apps These apps will i...

Page 185: ...K To leave the app long press the J JO OY YS ST TI IC CK K To return to the Main Menu press the BRP Connect Button N NO OT TE E The apps can also reach directly by pressing the APPS button located at...

Page 186: ...BRP connect to your choosing In which country do you intend to use the BRP Connect App What should be worth your attention Note Elementary settings of the BRP Connect app change be changed from withi...

Page 187: ...185 1 2 1 Currently Installed Apps 2 Available Apps LARGE PANORAMIC 7 8 WIDE LCD DISPLAY...

Page 188: ...wmobile dealer WRONG KEY Wrong key Use the right key for the vehicle or contact an authorized BRP snowmobile dealer HIGH ENGINE TEMPERA TURE Engine is overheat ing Stop and wait for engine to cool off...

Page 189: ...and therefore the vehicle speed Important information messages can also be displayed temporarily to assist indicator lamps When a digital warning appears it will show the warning for 6 seconds and the...

Page 190: ...fuels however be aware of the following Use of fuel containing alcohol above the percentage specified by government regulations is not recommended and can result in the following problems in the fuel...

Page 191: ...t th he er r f fu ue ells s E En ng giin ne e o or r f fu ue ell s sy ys st te em m d da am m a ag ge es s m ma ay y o oc cc cu ur r w wiit th h t th he e u us se e o of f a an n iin na ad de eq qu ua...

Page 192: ...s s w wo or rk k iin n a a w we ellll v ve en nt tiilla at te ed d a ar re ea a N NO OT TE E Do not sit or lean on seat when fuel tank cap is not properly installed 1 Stop engine 2 Have operator and p...

Page 193: se es s f fu ue ell e ex xp pa an nd ds s a an nd d m ma ay y o ov ve er rf fllo ow w 7 Fully tighten fuel reservoir cap clockwise W WA AR RN NI IN NG G A Allw wa ay ys s w wiip pe e o of ff f a a...

Page 194: ct tiio on n O Oiill 600 EFI XPS 2T Synthetic Blend Oil semi synthetic 600R E TEC 850 E TEC XPS 2T E TEC Synthetic Oil full synthetic IF THE RECOMMENDED XPS ENGINE OIL IS NOT AVAILABLE Use a 2 str...

Page 195: ...In njje ec ct tiio on n O Oiill Remove injection oil reservoir cap Add injection oil N NO OT TE E Do not overfill Wipe the reservoir cap seal and flange area Reinstall cap N NO OT TI IC CE E D Do o n...

Page 196: management system con trols some engine parameters The duration is based on fuel volume It will take approximately two fuel tanks to complete the break in During this period The engine performance...

Page 197: ...rmly and pull vigorously to start engine N NO OT TE E The maximum torque that can be transmitted to the engine by the re wind starter is 80 Nm 59 lbf ft The maximum force that can be ex erted on the o...

Page 198: ...lld d r ro op pe e b by y t th he e h ha an nd dlle e o on nlly y D Do o n no ot t s st ta ar rt t t th he e e en ng giin ne e b by y t th he e d dr riiv ve e p pu ulllle ey y u un nlle es ss s iit t...

Page 199: ...sed 2 Rope to be winded 3 Rope end Wind rope two turns counterclockwise tightly around the drive pulley where shown Pull the rope using a sharp crisp pull so the rope comes free of the drive pulley BA...

Page 200: ...d d r re et tu ur rn n s sllo ow wlly y t to o h ha av ve e s sn no ow wm mo ob biille e r re ep pa aiir re ed d V Ve eh hiic clle e W Wa ar rm m U Up p Before every ride vehicle has to be warmed up a...

Page 201: qu ue es s n no ot ta ab blly y u us siin ng g y yo ou ur r lle eg gs s f fo or rc ce e D Do o n no ot t a at tt te em mp pt t t to o lliif ft t t th he e r re ea ar r o of f v ve eh hiic clle e ii...

Page 202: ...E En ng giin ne e 3 With engine at idle speed turn the ignition key clockwise and release E E T TE EC C E En ng giin ne e 4 With engine at idle speed press and release the Start RER button 1 Start RER...

Page 203: ...stop 2 Apply and hold brake 6 60 00 0 E EF FI I E En ng giin ne e 3 Turn the ignition key clockwise and release E E T TE EC C E En ng giin ne e 4 Press and release the RER button A Allll E En ng giin...

Page 204: ...eep snow conditions and should never be used during a prolonged period of time in marginal or hard packed snow conditions In the event you have to ride in these types of conditions Avoid exceeding a s...

Page 205: ...t tr ra aiills s o or r h ha ar rd d p pa ac ck ke ed d s sn no ow w c co on nd dii t tiio on ns s iit t iis s h hiig gh hlly y s su ug gg ge es st te ed d t to o c co om mb biin ne e iid dlle er r w...

Page 206: ...a av ve e a as ss siis st ta an nc ce e t to o s sh ha ar re e lliif ft tiin ng g s st tr re es ss s I If f a a lliif ft tiin ng g d de ev viic ce e iis s n no ot t u us se ed d u us se e p pr ro op p...

Page 207: ...jju us st t iif f n ne ec ce es ss sa ar ry y S St to op pp pe er r S St tr ra ap p Stopper strap length has an effect on the amount of weight the center spring has to carry especially during accelera...

Page 208: ...opper strap length and or riding position to change the angle at which the track rides on the snow Operator s fa miliarity with the various adjustments as well as snow conditions will dictate the most...

Page 209: ...g Center spring preload has an effect on steering effort handling and bump absorption Also since center spring preload adjustment puts more or less pres sure on the front of the track it has an effect...

Page 210: ...reload 2 Decrease preload R Riin ng g T Ty yp pe e A Ad djju us st te er r Using the suspension adjustment tool provided in the tool kit unscrew the lock ring and turn the adjustment ring to increase...

Page 211: ...plied to the skis This has an effect on performance in deep snow steering ef fort and handling Slight suspension bottoming occurring under the worst riding condi tions indicates a good choice of sprin...

Page 212: ...R RE EA AR R A AR RM M P PI IV VO OT T C C W Wh ha at t t to o d do o 90 to 100 mm 3 6 to 4 in No adjustment required More than 100 mm 4 in Adjusted too soft Increase preload Less than 90 mm 3 6 in A...

Page 213: ...Th he e a ad djju us st tm me en nt t m mu us st t a allw wa ay ys s b be e t tiig gh ht te en ne ed d a allll t th he e w wa ay y t to o e eiit th he er r e en nd d o of f t th he e a ad djju us st...

Page 214: ...L LL L T TH HE E W WA AY Y C CL LO OC CK KW WI IS SE E H HA AR RD DE ER R S SU US SP PE EN NS SI IO ON N Turn handle clockwise completely for harder suspension N NO OT TE E Ensure the limiter is touch...

Page 215: ...RN N H HA AN ND DL LE E A AL LL L T TH HE E W WA AY Y C CO OU UN NT TE ER RC CL LO OC CK KW WI IS SE E S SO OF FT TE ER R S SU US SP PE EN NS SI IO ON N Turn handle counterclockwise completely for sof...

Page 216: ...rd Setting X X F Fr ro on nt t S Su us sp pe en ns siio on n A Ad djju us st tm me en nt ts s S Sk kii S St ta an nc ce e Skis can be set to three different widths To obtain the different widths place...

Page 217: ...t T Tiig gh ht te en niin ng g T To or rq qu ue e Ski nut 48 6 Nm 35 4 lbf ft F Fr ro on nt t S Sp pr riin ng gs s Front spring preload has an effect on front suspension firmness Front spring preload...

Page 218: ...on capability C Ca am m T Ty yp pe e A Ad djju us st te er r Using the suspension adjustment tool provided in the tool kit turn the cam to increase or decrease the spring preload 1 Increase preload 2...

Page 219: ...jju us st te er r Using the suspension adjustment tool provided in the tool kit unscrew the lock ring and turn the adjustment ring to increase or decrease the spring preload Tighten the lock ring when...

Page 220: ...d Reduce rear spring preload Steering feels too heavy at steady speeds Reduce front suspension spring preload Increase center spring preload Steering feels too heavy during acceleration Set coupling b...

Page 221: spring preload Increase center spring preload Lengthen limiter strap Increase compression damping adjustment if equipped Snowmobile seems to pivot around its center Reduce center spring preload Inc...

Page 222: ...220 This page is intention ally blank TUNE YOUR RIDE...

Page 223: ...221 M MA AI IN NT TE EN NA AN NC CE E...

Page 224: ...a an nc ce e s sc ch he ed du ulle e a an nd d p pr ro oc ce ed du ur re es s c ca an n m ma ak ke e iit t u un ns sa af fe e t to o o op pe er ra at te e D Du ur riin ng g t th he e f fiir rs st t 1...

Page 225: ...ds and disk Check coolant density Inspect drive belt Visually inspect and clean drive pulley Inspect and clean driven pulley Lubricate rear suspension Lubricate whenever the vehicle is used in wet con...

Page 226: ...oil Inspect engine rubber mounts Replace the rear suspension stopper strap E Ev ve er ry y 3 3 Y Ye ea ar rs s O Or r 1 10 0 0 00 00 0 k km m 6 6 0 00 00 0 m mii W Wh hiic ch he ev ve er r C Co om me...

Page 227: ...ld d r re em mo ov va all o of f a a llo oc ck kiin ng g d de ev viic ce e b be e r re eq qu uiir re ed d e e g g llo oc ck k t ta ab bs s s se ellf f llo oc ck kiin ng g f fa as st te en ne er rs s e...

Page 228: ee ez ze e c co on nt ta aiin niin ng g c co or rr ro os siio on n iin n h hiib biit to or rs s s sp pe ec ciif fiic ca alllly y f fo or r iin nt te er rn na all c co om mb bu us st tiio on n a al...

Page 229: ...formed by an au thorized BRP snowmobile dealer repair shop or person of your own choosing Spark plugs inspection or replacement requires an in depth technical knowledge Though not required it is recom...

Page 230: ...228 T TY YP PI IC CA AL L 1 Brake fluid reservoir T TY YP PI IC CA AL L 1 Minimum 2 Maximum 3 Operating range MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...

Page 231: ...da am ma ag ge e p pa aiin nt te ed d a an nd d p plla as st tiic c p pa ar rt ts s H Ha an nd dlle e w wiit th h c ca ar re e R Riin ns se e t th ho or ro ou ug gh hlly y iin n c ca as se e o of f s...

Page 232: ...ighten to the specified torque T Tiig gh ht te en niin ng g T To or rq qu ue e Check plug 6 1 Nm 53 9 lbf in If level is insufficient refer to Chaincase Filling Procedure C Ch ha aiin nc ca as se e O...

Page 233: ...and tighten to specification t tiig gh ht te en niin ng g t to or rq qu ue e Gearbox drain plug 6 1 Nm 53 9 lbf in C Ch ha aiin nc ca as se e F Fiilllliin ng g P Pr ro oc ce ed du ur re e 1 Open the...

Page 234: ...ller cap T TY YP PI IC CA AL L T TO OP P O OF F C CH HA AI IN NC CA AS SE E 1 Filler cap 4 Pour recommended oil in the filler hole until oil comes out by the check plug hole 5 Reinstall check plug and...

Page 235: ...S s sy yn nc ch hr ro om me es sh h t tr ra an ns sm miis ss siio on n s sy yn nt th he et tiic c o oiill B BR RP P s st tr ro on ng glly y r re ec co om mm me en nd ds s t th he e u us se e o of f i...

Page 236: follows 1 Remove the filler plug F FI IL LL LE ER R P PL LU UG G 2 Pour recommended oil in gearbox by the filler hole until oil comes out by the check plug hole 3 Reinstall check and filler plug a...

Page 237: ...ce 2 Place a drain pan under gearbox drain plug area 3 Remove filler cap 4 Remove the drain plug located at the bottom of gearbox 1 Drain plug access hole 5 Wait a while to allow all oil to drain out...

Page 238: ...check plug F FI IL LL LE ER R P PL LU UG G C CH HE EC CK K P PL LU UG G 3 Pour recommended oil into gearbox through the filler hole N NO OT TE E Oil level is correct when it just begins to come out o...

Page 239: ...jju us st tm me en nt t Using the Torx end of the driven pulley expander GENTLY turn ten sioner clockwise to eliminate the play T TY YP PI IC CA AL L Do not force the tensioner in N NO OT TE E Do not...

Page 240: ...llt t R Re em mo ov va all 1 Remove tether cord cap from engine cut off switch 2 Remove drive belt guard refer to Controls Instruments and Equipment 3 Insert the driven pulley expander provided in the...

Page 241: ...y expander from the pulley 4 Rotate the driven pulley several times to properly set the belt be tween the sheaves 5 If a new belt was installed an adjustment will be required for the proper belt heigh...

Page 242: ...ent tool provided turn the ring 1 4 turn at a time then rotate the driven pulley to properly set the drive belt between the pulley sheaves 1 Suspension adjustment tool N NO OT TE E The adjustment ring...

Page 243: 6 60 00 0R R E E T TE EC C Repeat step 4 until the lowest portion of the cogs on the external surface of drive belt is even with the driven pulley edge T TY YP PI IC CA AL L P PR RE EL LI IM MI IN...

Page 244: ...the pulley Turning the ring clockwise raises the drive belt in the pulley 5 Firmly tighten the clamping bolt If possible tighten to specification using a torque wrench T Tiig gh ht te en niin ng g T T...

Page 245: ...rive belt is too tight If the vehicle creeps lower the drive belt height from the prelimi nary setting Repeat procedure until creeping stops R Re ev ve er rs se e A Ac ct tiiv va at tiio on n N NO OT...

Page 246: ...n nt ta aiin n o or r s se er rv viic ce e t th he e d dr riiv ve e p pu ulllle ey y I Im mp pr ro op pe er r s se er rv viic ciin ng g o or r m ma aiin nt te en na an nc ce e m ma ay y a af ff fe ec...

Page 247: ...e pulley T TY YP PI IC CA AL L 1 Cam 2 Pivot screw The cam position is identified as follows Positions 1 2 4 and 5 are numbered Position 3 middle is identified by a notch There are notches on each sid...

Page 248: ...246 1 Numbered position 2 Position 3 Notch 3 Pointers To adjust proceed as follows for all 3 cams 3 Using the Allen end of the driven pulley expander loosen the pivot screw MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...

Page 249: ...247 1 Pivot screw 4 Move the right lever aside to be able to turn the cam 5 Turn cam to the desired position 1 Desired cam position here 2 6 Tighten the pivot screw MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...

Page 250: ...p p f fr ro om m e en ng giin ne e c cu ut t o of ff f s sw wiit tc ch h b be ef fo or re e p pe er r f fo or rm miin ng g a an ny y m ma aiin nt te en na an nc ce e o or r a ad djju us st tm me en nt...

Page 251: ...udded tracks Missing studs Studs that are torn off the track Missing track guide s Also ensure that studs nut are tighten to the recommended torque On approved studded tracks replace broken or damaged...

Page 252: ...a ac ck k t to o b be e v viio olle en nt tlly y t th hr ro ow wn n b ba ac ck kw wa ar rd ds s o ou ut t o of f t th he e t tu un nn ne ell w wiit th h t tr re em me en nd do ou us s f fo or rc ce e...

Page 253: ...1 Upper O ring 5 Position the tensiometer on track halfway between front and rear idler wheels 6 Push the tensiometer downwards until bottom O ring deflection set earlier be aligned with the bottom o...

Page 254: Track tension adjustment T Tr ra ac ck k T Te en ns siio on n A Ad djju us st tm me en nt t 1 Remove the tether cord cap from engine cut off switch 2 Lift rear of vehicle and support it off the gr...

Page 255: ...w rear suspension to fully extend 4 Remove rear wheel caps 5 Loosen the rear idler wheels retaining screws 6 Tighten or loosen both adjustment screws to increase or decrease track tension MAINTENANCE...

Page 256: ...may be necessary to rotate the driven pulley to access the adjust ment screw 7 If correct tension is unattainable contact an authorized BRP snow mobile dealer 8 Retighten idler wheels retaining screws...

Page 257: ...he e t tr ra ac ck k N Ne ev ve er r r ro ot ta at te e t tr ra ac ck k a at t h hiig gh h s sp pe ee ed d C Ce en nt tr riif fu ug ga all f fo or rc ce e c co ou ulld d c ca au us se e d de eb br ri...

Page 258: or rd d c ca ap p f fr ro om m e en ng giin ne e c cu ut t o of ff f s sw wiit tc ch h b be ef fo or re e p pe er r f fo or rm miin ng g a an ny y m ma aiin nt te en na an nc ce e o or r a ad djju...

Page 259: en ns siio on n R Re ea ar r S Su us sp pe en ns siio on n C Co on nd diit tiio on n Visually inspect all suspension components including slider shoes springs wheels etc N NO OT TE E During normal...

Page 260: ...258 S Su us sp pe en ns siio on n G Gr re ea as se e XPS Synthetic suspension grease MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...

Page 261: ...siio on n C Co on nd diit tiio on n Visually inspect steering and front suspension for tightness of compo nents steering arms control arms and links tie rods ball joints ski bolts ski legs etc If nece...

Page 262: ...E Ex xc ce es ss siiv ve elly y w wo or rn n s sk kiis s a an nd d o or r s sk kii r ru un nn ne er rs s w wiillll a ad dv ve er rs se elly y a af ff fe ec ct t s sn no ow wm mo ob biille e c co on nt...


Page 264: ...s se e I In ns sp pe ec ct tiio on n Check fuse condition and replace it if necessary To remove fuse from holder pull fuse out Check if filament is melted 1 Fuse 2 Check if melted W WA AR RN NI IN NG...

Page 265: ef fo or re e r re es st ta ar rt tiin ng g S Se ee e a an n a au ut th ho or riiz ze ed d B BR RP P s sn no ow wm mo ob biille e d de ea alle er r f fo or r s se er rv viic ciin ng g H He ea ad d...

Page 266: ...264 4 Lift the front of the gauge support then slide it forward to remove it 5 Set gauge support aside 6 Remove the storage compartment MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...

Page 267: ...nect 12V power outlet connectors to remove if equipped 8 Disconnect bulb connector 9 Unlock bulb by turning it counterclockwise 10 Pull bulb out N NO OT TE E Ensure bulb seal stays in place MAINTENANC...

Page 268: ...g ge er rs s iit t s sh ho or rt te en ns s iit ts s o op pe er ra at tiin ng g lliif fe e I If f g glla as ss s iis s t to ou uc ch he ed d c clle ea an n iit t w wiit th h iis so op pr ro op py yll...

Page 269: ...te er ry y N NO OT TI IC CE E B Ba at tt te er ry y B BL LA AC CK K c ca ab blle e m mu us st t a allw wa ay ys s b be e d diis sc co on nn ne ec ct te ed d f fiir rs st t a an nd d c co on nn ne ec c...

Page 270: ...268 1 Remove the seat 2 Remove the battery cover T TY YP PI IC CA AL L 3 Disconnect the negative terminal first then the positive terminal 4 Remove the battery hold down bracket MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...

Page 271: ...Remove the battery I In ns st ta alllliin ng g t th he e B Ba at tt te er ry y The installation is the reverse of the removal procedure However pay attention to the following details MAINTENANCE PROCE...

Page 272: ...r retaining screws 1 5 0 5 Nm 13 4 lbf in 2 20 0 a an nd d 2 24 4 w wiid de e T Tu un nn ne ell R Re em mo ov viin ng g t th he e B Ba at tt te er ry y 1 Remove the passenger seat and backrest if equi...

Page 273: ...271 4 Disconnect the negative terminal first then the positive terminal 1 Disconnect negative 2 Disconnect positive 5 Remove the battery hold down bracket MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...

Page 274: ...Remove the battery I In ns st ta alllliin ng g t th he e B Ba at tt te er ry y The installation is the reverse of the removal procedure However pay attention to the following details MAINTENANCE PROCE...

Page 275: ...TE EN NI IN NG G T TO OR RQ QU UE E Battery terminals positive and negative 10 2 Nm 89 18 lbf in Battery hold down bracket 5 0 5 Nm 44 4 lbf in Battery cover retaining screws 5 0 5 Nm 44 4 lbf in MAIN...

Page 276: ...loths or an equivalent N NO OT TI IC CE E N Ne ev ve er r u us se e a a h hiig gh h p pr re es ss su ur re e w wa as sh he er r t to o c clle ea an n t th he e v ve eh hiic clle e U US SE E L LO OW W...

Page 277: ...275 For more information and products Visit the XPS Products website at www xpslubricants com VEHICLE CARE...

Page 278: ...ft tiin ng g t te ec ch hn nii q qu ue es s n no ot ta ab blly y u us siin ng g y yo ou ur r lle eg gs s f fo or rc ce e D Do o n no ot t a at tt te em mp pt t t to o lliif ft t t th he e r re ea ar r...

Page 279: ...a well ventilated area 2 Open the RH side panel Refer to Controls Instruments and Equipment 3 Add Fuel stabilizer to fuel thank Follow the manufacturer s recommendations 4 Start the engine and let id...

Page 280: ...or rq qu ue e Spark plug 28 2 Nm 21 1 lbf ft E E T TE EC C E En ng giin ne e 4 4 5 5 a an nd d 7 7 2 2 D Diig giit ta all D Diis sp plla ay y Follow these simple steps To engage the procedure do the f...

Page 281: and hold the S SE ET T b bu ut tt to on n until PUSH S ap pears on the display T TY YP PI IC CA AL L 5 Release all buttons when gauge displays P PU US SH H S S appears 6 Again press and hold th...

Page 282: ...n no ot t s st ta ar rt t t th he e e en ng giin ne e d du ur riin ng g s st to or ra ag ge e p pe er riio od d E E T TE EC C E En ng giin ne e L La ar rg ge e P Pa an no or ra am miic c 7 7 8 8 W Wii...

Page 283: ...n w wh hiille e d do oiin ng g t th hiis s press and hold the V Vo ollu um me e D Do ow wn n C Ca an nc ce elllliin ng g C Ca allll button until the following message appears on the display 1 Volume D...

Page 284: ...Do ow wn n C Ca an nc ce elllliin ng g C Ca allll button for 2 3 seconds N NO OT TE E The gauge will display OIL when the storage procedure is initiated 7 When gauge displays O OI IL L release button...

Page 285: ...mately 1600 RPM and the oil pump will oil flood the engine At the end of engine lubrication procedure the ECM will turn the engine off Remove tether cord cap from engine cut off switch N NO OT TI IC C...

Page 286: ...284 This page is intention ally blank STORAGE...


Page 288: ...M MB BL LE ED D I IN N C CA AN NA AD DA A 520001926 V VE EH HI IC CL LE E A AS SS SE EM MB BL LE ED D I IN N F FI IN NL LA AN ND D I Id de en nt tiif fiic ca at tiio on n N Nu um mb be er rs s The mai...

Page 289: ...e above It is also en graved on tunnel near vehicle description decal Model number and model year are part of the information found in the VIN See illustration 2BPS LSAB 9 A V 000001 Serial number Mod...

Page 290: ...Regulation EU 2016 1628 NRMM are iden tified on the engine T TY YP PI IC CA AL L Rotax 10559 MXXXXXXX XXXX MM YYYY XXXXXX SMB P V Family type e13 NRSC H CO2 g kWh Prod date T TY YP PI IC CA AL L N NR...

Page 291: ...L0 BRP Europe N V Skaldenstraat 125 Gent Belgium 9042 Rotax 10557 Prod date MXXXXXXX XXXX MM YYYY XXXXXX SMB P V Family type NRSC H CO2 g kWh e13 T TY YP PI IC CA AL L N NR RM MM M I ID DE EN NT TI IF...

Page 292: ...certainty Kwa 3 dB 102 dB Uncertainty Kwa 3 dB 100 dB Uncertainty Kwa 3 dB Sound pressure LpA 83 dB Uncertainty KpA 3 dB 90 dB Uncertainty KpA 3 dB 86 dB Uncertainty KpA 3 dB Vibra tion Hand arm syste...


Page 294: ...BRP is a proud participating member Assurance that your snowmobile meets these standards is easily checked by locating the Certification Label on a right vertical portion of the vehicle The following...

Page 295: ...rtainty Kwa 3 dB 98 3 dB Uncertainty Kwa 3 dB 100 dB Uncertainty Kwa 3 dB Sound pressure LpA 83 dB Uncertainty KpA 3 dB 86 2 dB Uncertainty KpA 3 dB 86 dB Uncertainty KpA 3 dB Vibra tion Hand arm syst...


Page 297: ...E EC CL LA AR RA AT TI IO ON N O OF F C CO ON NF FO OR RM MI IT TY Y L Le ef ft t b blla an nk k f fo or r E Eu ur ra as siia an n C Co on nf fo or rm miit ty y m ma ar rk k w wh he er re e a ap pp pl...

Page 298: ...ower or allow emission levels to exceed their predeter mined factory specifications Exceptions include manufacturer s prescribed changes such as alti tude adjustments for example O Ow wn ne er r R Re...

Page 299: ...Environmental Protection Agency Certification Division Gasoline Engine Compliance Center 2000 Traverwood Drive Ann Arbor MI 48105 USA I IN NT TE ER RN NE ET T W WE EB B S SI IT TE E www epa gov otaq E...

Page 300: ...modifications not expressly approved by the party respon sible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment IC Registration Number 12006A 1001002222 FCC ID 2ACER 1001002222...

Page 301: Stroke 80 4 mm 3 165 in Displacement 849 cm 51 81 in Maximum power engine speed 7900 100 RPM E En ng giin ne e 6 60 00 0R R E E T TE EC C Engine type Rotax 600R E TEC liquid cooled with reed valve...

Page 302: ...tion system 600R E TEC E TEC direct injection 600 EFI Throttle body injection Idle speed not adjustable 600 EFI 1500 200 RPM 600R E TEC 850 E TEC 1200 200 RPM E Elle ec ct tr riic ca all S Sy ys st te...

Page 303: ...thetic Quantity 3 4 l 3 6 qt liq US V Ve eh hiic clle e C CO OO OL LI IN NG G S SY YS ST TE EM M Coolant type Recommended XPS Extended life pre mixed coolant Alternative or if not available Ethyl glyc...

Page 304: ...7 l 39 1 qt liq US All models except 49 Ranger 42 l 44 4 qt liq US E EL LE EC CT TR RI IC CA AL L S SY YS ST TE EM M Battery 12 V 18 A h Headlamp 2 x 60 55 W H 13 Taillight and stoplight 0 4 1 4 W LED...

Page 305: ...lays RY1 Main RY2 Fan D DR RI IV VE E S SY YS ST TE EM M C CH HA AI IN NC CA AS SE E Chaincase oil if equipped Type Recommended XPS Synthetic chaincase oil Alternative or if not available 75W140 gear...

Page 306: ...S ST TE EM M D DR RI IV VE E A AN ND D D DR RI IV VE EN N P PU UL LL LE EY YS S Drive pulley Type 600 EFI pDrive LC 600R E TEC 850R E TEC pDrive with clickers Drive pulley engagement RPM 49 Ranger PRO...

Page 307: studded track 38 mm 1 5 in Xterrain Brutal 60 mm 2 36 in Track adjustment 3 Deflection 32 mm 1 26 in Force 7 3 kgf 16 1 lbs B BR RA AK KE E S SY YS ST TE EM M Brake Type Single 200 mm cross drilled...

Page 308: ...221 mm 8 7 in 59 Ranger models Commander models Xterrain Brutal 210 mm 8 3 in Shock absorber type 59 Ranger Motion Control Xterrain Brutal KYB 36 49 Ranger Commander models HPG 36 Stabilizer bar type...

Page 309: ...292 kg 643 7 lb Xterrain Brutal 260 kg 573 2 lb Overall length 49 Ranger PRO 354 0 cm 139 4 in 59 Ranger 334 cm 131 5 in Commander models 336 cm 132 3 in Xterrain Brutal 335 cm 131 9 in Overall width...

Page 310: PRO Touring kit 59 Ranger Commander models 97 5 to 101 7 cm 38 4 to 40 in Xterrain Brutal 99 6 cm 39 2 in 1 NOTICE Do not attempt to adjust gap on this spark plug 2 Refer to INJECTION OIL for detai...

Page 311: ...309 T TR RO OU UB BL LE ES SH HO OO OT T I IN NG G...

Page 312: ...d fuel if necessary 2 S Sy ys st te em m v vo ollt ta ag ge e t to oo o llo ow w Contact an authorized BRP snowmobile dealer E EN NG GI IN NE E R RP PM M D DO OE ES S N NO OT T R RE EA AC CH H C CL LU...

Page 313: ...gers cleanliness Clean if necessary 5 D Dr riiv ve e b be ellt t w wo or rn n t to oo o t th hiin n If the drive belt has lost more than 3 mm 1 8 in of its original width it will affect vehicle perfor...

Page 314: ...le dealer repair shop or person of your own choosing for maintenance repair or replacement E EN NG GI IN NE E M MI IS SF FI IR RE ES S 1 W Wa at te er r iin n f fu ue ell Drain fuel system and refill...

Page 315: ...ill be displayed to catch your attention See table below for details N NO OT TE E Some of the listed pilot lamps and messages do not apply to all mod els The message display is available only on the m...

Page 316: ...condition persists MUFFLER OVERHEAT Critical overheat Stop engine immediately and let engine cool down If overheating persists contact an authorized BRP snowmobile dealer Do not run the engine if cond...

Page 317: ...heck fuel quality replace if necessary If fault still occurs contact an authorized BRP snowmobile dealer repair shop or person of your own choosing 4 short beeps every 5 minutes REV LIMIT Engine RPM l...

Page 318: ...Good key vehicle ready to operate Short beeps repeating slowly WRONG KEY Unable to read key bad connection Make sure the key is clean and correctly snapped on post Short beeps repeating rapidly BAD K...

Page 319: ...317 W WA AR RR RA AN NT TY Y...


Page 321: ...nconsistent with the recommended operation described in the operator s guide Damage resulting from accident submersion fire snow or water ingestion theft vandalism or any act of God Operation with fue...

Page 322: ...have the goods re paired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure C CO ON ND DI IT TI IO ON NS S T TO O H HA AV VE E W WA AR RR RA A...

Page 323: ...rranty cover age period under the conditions described herein BRP s responsibility is limited to making the required repairs or replacements of parts No claim of breach of warranty shall be cause for...

Page 324: ...Distributor Dealer level We recommend discussing the issue with the authorized LYNX Distributor Dealer s service manager or owner If the matter still remains unresolved contact BRP by filling out the...


Page 326: ...ion described in the operator s guide Damage resulting from accident submersion fire snow or water ingestion theft vandalism or any act of God Operation with fuels oils or lubricants which are not sui...

Page 327: ...Distributor Dealer The 2022 LYNX snowmobile must be purchased within the EEA by an EEA resident in the CIS for residents of the countries com prised in such area and in Turkey for residents of Turkey...

Page 328: ...such as but not limited to freight insur ance taxes license fees import duties and any and all other financial charges including those levied by governments states territories and their respective ag...

Page 329: ...ects resulting from packaging assembling instructions or the installation when it is its responsibility per the contract or if accomplished under its responsibility To be compliant with the contract t...

Page 330: two years after delivery of the goods The seller is responsible for the warranty for hidden defects of the good sold if such hidden defects are rendering the good unfit for the intended use or if t...


Page 332: ...lation does not conform to BRP s instructions W WA AR RR RA AN NT TY Y C CO OV VE ER RA AG GE E P PE ER RI IO OD D This limited warranty will be in effect from the date of delivery to the first retail...

Page 333: ...of the appearance of a defect and provide it with rea sonable access to the product and reasonable opportunity to repair it The customer must also present to the authorized BRP dealer proof of purchas...

Page 334: ...the former owner agreed to the transfer of ownership in ad dition to the coordinates of the new owner C CO ON NS SU UM ME ER R A AS SS SI IS ST TA AN NC CE E In the event of a controversy or a disput...

Page 335: ...ted warranty claims BRP is limiting the diagnosis and repair of emission related parts to the authorized Lynx dealers unless for emergency repairs as required by item 2 of the following list As a cert...

Page 336: ...related to the following systems Air induction system Fuel system Ignition system Exhaust gas recirculation systems 2 The following parts are also considered emission related compo nents for exhaust e...

Page 337: ...s improper maintenance or use by accidents for which the manufacturer has no responsibility or by acts of God For example an emission related warranty claim need not be honored for failures that have...

Page 338: ...CO OR RD DS S Send photocopy of maintenance record to BRP if needed P Pr re e d de elliiv ve er ry y Serial number Signature Print Mileage km Hours Date Dealer no Notes Refer to vehicle Pre Delivery...

Page 339: ...ler no Notes For maintenance schedule refer to Maintenance Information section of this operator s guide S Se er rv viic ce e Mileage km Signature Print Hours Date Dealer no Notes For maintenance sched...

Page 340: ...For maintenance schedule refer to Maintenance Information section of this operator s guide S Se er rv viic ce e Mileage km Signature Print Hours Date Dealer no Notes For maintenance schedule refer to...

Page 341: ...For maintenance schedule refer to Maintenance Information section of this operator s guide S Se er rv viic ce e Mileage km Signature Print Hours Date Dealer no Notes For maintenance schedule refer to...

Page 342: ...For maintenance schedule refer to Maintenance Information section of this operator s guide S Se er rv viic ce e Mileage km Signature Print Hours Date Dealer no Notes For maintenance schedule refer to...

Page 343: ...For maintenance schedule refer to Maintenance Information section of this operator s guide S Se er rv viic ce e Mileage km Signature Print Hours Date Dealer no Notes For maintenance schedule refer to...

Page 344: ...For maintenance schedule refer to Maintenance Information section of this operator s guide S Se er rv viic ce e Mileage km Signature Print Hours Date Dealer no Notes For maintenance schedule refer to...

Page 345: ...For maintenance schedule refer to Maintenance Information section of this operator s guide S Se er rv viic ce e Mileage km Signature Print Hours Date Dealer no Notes For maintenance schedule refer to...

Page 346: ...344 This page is intention ally blank MAINTENANCE RECORDS...

Page 347: ...345 C CU US ST TO OM ME ER R I IN NF FO OR RM MA AT TI IO ON N...

Page 348: its customer list to distribute marketing and promotional infor mation about BRP and related products To exercise your right to consult or correct your data or to be removed from the addressee list...

Page 349: ...antie 7 PL 8040 96101 Rovaniemi Spinnv gen 15 903 61 Ume Sweden Avenue d Ouchy 4 6 1006 Lausanne Switzerland N No or rt th h A Am me er riic ca a 565 de la Montagne Street Valcourt Qu bec J0E 2L0 Cana...

Page 350: ...ed in the Contact Us section of this guide In case of change of ownership please join a proof that the former owner agreed to the transfer Notifying BRP even after the expiration of the limited warran...

Page 351: ...349 This page is intentionally blank CHANGE OF ADDRESS OWNERSHIP...


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Page 368: ...ou ulld d c ca au us se e iin njju ur ry y iin nc cllu ud diin ng g t th he e p po os ss siib biilliit ty y o of f d de ea at th h TM AND THE BRP LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF BOMBARDIER RECREATIONAL PRODUC...
