40 Pacesetter BES Monogramming Suite
Instruction Manual
Also, in the case of the Name Template monograms, two
different Letter height boxes will be active, so that the font
height for the “name” part may be set separately from the font
height for the monogram itself.
Similarly, there will be two separate “Pattern fill” checkboxes;
check Pattern Fill1 to add a pattern to the monogram, and
Pattern Fill 2 to add it to the “name” portion.
An example of a Name Template style, to demonstrate the use of two
different fonts. In this example, “Venezia” was selected for Font 1, and
“Calligraphy” was selected for Font 2.
Displaying a Font’s Available
In the Monogram Designer dialog there is a button next to each
of the font fields which displays all the characters (keystrokes)
that can be entered for the selected embroidery font. For
example, some fonts only allow you to enter uppercase
characters, while other fonts allow you to enter both uppercase
and lowercase characters.
The available characters box also tells you the minimum and
maximum recommended heights for sewing out the font.
The “Name only” template type is an exception to these rules:
for this template, only the Text 1, Font 1, Font 1 Height and
Font 1 pattern fill boxes will be active, and these will apply to
the “Name” text.