Brotech Electronics Mini Midi Se User Manual 2020-01-01
After connecting or changing directories, all midi and playlist filenames are uploaded
from the mMS hardware to the tablet, and a scrolling song list is created
Standard Remote Tablet Control
In standard remote tablet play mode, the tablet acts as a remote directory and midi file name viewer and selector.
The directory and filenames are shown in a sorted vertical scrolling list on the tablet, with direc tory names always
listed first, any playlist names listed second, and midi file names shown last.
One can vertically scroll through the list and select and play any song by tapping
on it. In a similar way, one can select a new directory by tapping on it which is
equivalent to changing directories on a computer. Whenever a new directory is
selected, a new scrolling list is automatically created with only the midi and
playlist file names found in that directory. For example, if the user selects
TEST_DIR, a new scrolling list is created showing only the midi songs and
playlists in the TEST_DIR directory.
Any individual song can be selected and played - just tap on the song in the
scrolling list and it is immediately copied to the yellow Selection bar. Tapping on
the yellow bar sends the file name to the mMS hardware, and it begins playing it.
As this happens, the selection bar text and background turns green indicating that
the song is playing. When the song ends if the tablet is awake and connected, the
selection bar will turn back to yellow.
Similarly, one can select a directory from the scrolling list, and it is copied to the selection bar. Tapping on the bar
causes the mMS+ hardware to change directories. Immediately a new scrolling list is created on the tablet showing
all of the midi songs in the new directory.
If one selects a playlist, then only the songs in the playlist are shown in the scrolling list, appearing in order as they
appear in the playlist.
Soft-Keys Sequential Continuous Play and Random Continuous Play
Besides selecting and playing individual songs, one can press the tablet soft keys PLAY SEQUENTIAL
CONTINUOUS, or PLAY RANDOM CONTINUOUS. When tapped the playing mode will be indicated with
bright green text, and the mMS hardware will continuously play all files in the current directory until the STOP
button is pressed. The song name of each new song that is playing is displayed on the tablet on the Selection Bar.
Before each song plays, if a delay is set, a countdown timer to next song play will be shown.