4. Call the Fire Brigade from a
neighbour‟s house or
mobile phone. Remember to give your name and address.
re-enter a burning house.
7. Alarm Limitations
Limitations of Smoke/Heat Alarms
Smoke/Heat Alarms have significantly helped to reduce the number of fire fatalities
in countries where they are widely installed. However independent authorities have
stated that they may be ineffective in some circumstances. There are a number of
reasons for this:
• Smoke/Heat Alarms will not work if the batteries are depleted or if they are not
connected. Test regularly and replace the entire Alarm when it fails to operate.
• Smoke/Heat Alarms will not detect fire if sufficient smoke or heat does not reach
the Alarm. Smoke/Heat may be prevented from reaching the Alarm if the fire is too far
away, for example, if the fire is on another floor, behind a closed door, in a chimney, in
a wall cavity, or if the prevailing air draughts carry the smoke or heat away. Installing
Smoke/Heat Alarms on both sides of closed doors and installing more than one Alarm
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