BRONKHORST mini CORI-FLOW M1 Series Instruction Manual Download Page 27


Instruction Manual mini CORI-FLOW™ M1x



The following factors can affect the zero-stability error (in order of importance):


fluid temperature


ambient temperature


mounting orientation


(inlet) pressure


fluid density


fluid viscosity


vibrations from the environment


pressure fluctuations

The table below shows some typical worst case values for different mini CORI-FLOW models. In practice, zero stability will

turn out to be better.


DN (mm)

Zero stability


Nominal flow



< 0.02 g/h

100 g/h



< 0.2 g/h

1 kg/h



< 6 g/h

10 kg/h



< 50 g/h

100 kg/h


Zeroing an instrument requires that:


the ambient conditions (temperature, pressure) match those of the operating environment of the instrument


the instrument is filled homogeneously and pressurized with the operational media, according to the typical process



there is absolutely no flow through the instrument; preferably, this is achieved by closing a valve immediately after the

outlet of the instrument (control valve, shut-off valve)

Blocking the flow through the instrument is essential; zeroing an instrument while there is still a flow will lead to

measurement errors.


Adjusting the zero point of an instrument can be done by the following methods:


manually (by using the multifunctional switch)


digitally (via RS-232 or fieldbus)


with the autozero function of a Bronkhorst® readout and control unit (E-8000, BRIGHT)

Regardless of the preferred method, the procedure takes approximately 60 seconds to complete (longer if the output signal

is unstable).

3.10.1 Manual procedure

To start the autozero function with the multifunctional switch, follow these instructions:

1. Change the setpoint of the instrument to 0 (zero)
2. Press and hold the multifunctional switch. After 4 seconds, the red LED 


 starts glowing for 4 seconds, after which the

green LED 


 starts glowing

3. At that moment (which is after 8 to 12 seconds), release the switch

The green LED starts to blink fast, indicating that the autozero function is being performed. On (successful) completion, the

green LED starts to glow continuously, while the output signal is 0% (parameter 


 = 0).

Summary of Contents for mini CORI-FLOW M1 Series

Page 1: ...Controllers for Liquids and Gases Doc no 9 17 050 rev O Date 08 06 2021 Instruction Manual ATTENTION Pleaseread this documentcarefully beforeinstalling and operating theproduct Notfollowing theguidelines could resultin personalinjury and ordamageto theequipment ...

Page 2: ...onpoints Thiswill facilitatetheuseoftheinstrument and or contributetoitsoptimal performance Additional informationavailableinthereferenceddocumentation ontheindicatedwebsite s or from your Bronkhorst representative Receipt of equipment Check the outside packaging box for damage incurred during shipment If the box is damaged the local carrier must be notified at once regarding his liability At the ...

Page 3: ...ral safety precautions This product is intended for use by qualified personnel who recognize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions required to prevent possible injury Read the operating information carefully before using the product Before operating make sure the line cord is connected to a properly grounded power receptacle Inspect the connecting cables for cracks or breaks b...

Page 4: ...Bronkhorst Instruction Manual mini CORI FLOW M1x 9 17 050O 4 ...

Page 5: hydraulic shocks 14 2 6 Electrical connection 14 Analog or local connection 2 6 1 14 Digital RS 232 connection 2 6 2 15 Digital RS 485 connection fieldbus 2 6 3 15 FLOW BUS 2 6 3 1 16 Modbus 2 6 3 2 16 PROFIBUS DP 2 6 3 3 16 DeviceNet 2 6 3 4 17 Operation 3 17 3 1 Powering up 17 3 2 First use 17 3 3 Preventing slug flow 17 3 4 After use 17 3 5 Powering down 18 3 6 Valve Safe State 18 3 7 Temper...

Page 6: ...nd control 31 Advanced measurement and control 4 1 1 32 4 2 Alarms 34 4 3 Counter 35 4 4 Network configuration 37 4 5 Fluid set 38 Advanced fluid set parameters 4 5 1 39 4 6 Controller 40 4 7 Master slave configuration FLOW BUS 41 4 8 Device identification 42 4 9 Special parameters 43 Default control mode 4 9 1 45 Troubleshooting and service 5 45 5 1 Errors and warnings 45 5 2 Restoring factory se...

Page 7: ...nt recommendsor prescribessafetymeasurestobetakenwithrespect tomediausageor workingwiththedescribedequipment under thespecifiedconditions Theenduser isresponsiblefor takingthenecessary safetyprecautionsandproper useofappropriate personal protectiveequipment evenifsuchisnot explicitly recommendedor requiredinthisdocument Theenduser isconsideredtobefamiliar withthenecessarysafetyprecautions andtocom...

Page 8: ...le to connect the instrument with a Windows computer together with free tooling software FlowPlot Contact your Bronkhorst representative for more information The instrument comes with a calibration certificate for all supported full scale ranges The actual full scale of the instrument is set to a value as ordered and can be found on the instrument label Accuracy The accuracy of a miniCORI FLOW ser...

Page 9: ...fiedpersonnel Contact your Bronkhorst representative for informationabout cleaningandcalibration Bronkhorst hasatrainedstaffavailable 1 7 Documentation The mini CORI FLOW comes with all necessary documentation for basic operation and maintenance Some parts of this manual refer to other documents most of which can be downloaded from the Bronkhorst website Thedocumentationlistedinthefollowingtableis...

Page 10: mini CORI FLOW M1x 9 17 050O 10 1 8 Model key The model key on the product label contains information about the technical properties of the instrument as ordered The specific properties can be retrieved with the diagram below ...

Page 11: ...themediaspecifiedat orderingtime Besurethat thesealingmaterialsarecompatiblewiththemediaandconditionsused inthesystem Bronkhorst High TechB V cannot beheldresponsiblefor anydamageresultingfrom theuseofother media and or conditionsthanspecifiedonthepurchaseorder 2 3 Mounting Use the mounting holes in the bottom of the instrument base see product overview to fixate the instrument to a firm rigid bas...

Page 12: ...rom eachother andtheir surroundings Consider thefollowingmeasures Mount theinstrument onamassblocksupportedby siliconor rubber shockabsorbingpads o Providesufficient spacearoundtheinstrument andthemassblocktoallowfreemovement ontheshockabsorbers o Donot attachadditional objectstoamassblockifnot necessary o Massblocksandshockabsorberscanbeobtainedat your Bronkhorst representative Ifpossible useflex...

Page 13: ...urefluctuations For optimal control stability observethefollowingguidelines Provideastable pressurecontrolled inlet pressure put sufficient buffer volumebetweenthepressureregulator andthe instrument Asaruleofthumb install pressureregulatorsat adistanceofat least 25 timesthepipediameter from the inlet or outlet oftheinstrument Whenusingmultipleinstrumentsand or control valves prevent interferenceby...

Page 14: ...ent tocarrythesupplycurrent andvoltageloss must bekept aslowaspossible Whenconnectingtheproduct toother devices besurethat theintegrityoftheshieldingisnot affected always use shielded cabling forsignals and communication and do not use unshielded wire terminals Whenindoubt about thesuitabilityofyour cabling contact your Bronkhorst representative Neverpower theinstrument simultaneouslyfrom two diff...

Page 15: ...versiblydamagetheprintedcircuit boardandtheinstrument will havetoberepairedbeforeit canbe used Alwayscheckthetotal power consumptionofyour instrumentsbeforeconnectingthem toafieldbussystem Donot exceed themaximum power ofthepower supplyunit Ifyouneedassistancewithsettingupafieldbusconfiguration contact your Bronkhorst representativefor information 2 6 3 1 FLOW BUS FLOW BUS is a Bronkhorst designed...

Page 16: Detailedinformationabout Modbuscanbefoundat www modbus org or anywebsiteofthe local Modbus organizationofyour country if available 2 6 3 3 PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS DP is a 2 wire RS 485 based industrial data communication standard fieldbus which allows automation components e g sensors actuators and controllers to exchange information Consult Instruction manual PROFIBUS DP interface document no 9...

Page 17: ...ngthemanufacturingprocess theinstrument hasbeentestedwithwater Purgingprior tofirst useisalso recommendedtoremoveanyremainingwater droplets Theveryfirst timetheinstrument isused adjustingthezeropoint isrecommended SeeAdjustingzeropoint for backgroundinformationandinstructions 3 3 Preventing slug flow Reliablemeasurement resultscanonlybeobtainedifthefluidflowsthroughtheinstrument inasinglestate eit...

Page 18: ... C per second Makesurethat themediatemperaturematchestheambient temperatureascloselyaspossible Themini CORI FLOW will showanamount ofselfheating duetopower dissipationoftheelectronics Thiseffect canbe aslargeasapproximately15 C dependingonmediaandambient temperature Inpractice therewill beabalance betweenmediatemperature selfheatingandambient temperature Operationinacool environment cancompensates...

Page 19: ...t should lie between 0 and 80 C 3 8 Manual controls The instrument is equipped with two LEDs and a push button switch which can be used to monitor the instrument visually and start several functions manually 3 8 1 LED indications l Mode MOD Operational mode l Error NET Error warning indication The tables below list the different LED indications lGreen Pattern Time Indication off continuous Power o...

Page 20: ...asing the multifunctional switch 3 8 2 Multifunctional switch Some special functions of the instrument can be started manually using the multifunctional switch near the indication LEDs These functions are available in analog as well as in digital operation mode 3 8 2 1 Normal operating functions In order to access these functions press and hold the switch while the instrument is in normal operatio...

Page 21: ...lmode By briefly pressing the switch 2 times with intervals of up to 1 second in normal operation mode the instrument shows its current control mode with a series of consecutive LED indication patterns The number of flashes corresponds to the current value of parameter Control Mode see Special parameters Step Pattern Indication 1 Green l l number of flashes indicates the tens of the parameter valu...

Page 22: ... readout change Reading network settings By briefly pressing the switch 3 times with intervals of up to 1 second in normal operation mode the instrument shows its current node address and baud rate with a series of consecutive LED indication patterns Step Pattern Indication 1 Green l l number of flashes indicates the tens of the node address 2 Red l l number of flashes indicates the units of the n...

Page 23: ...d hold the switch flashing slows To select value 0 zero release the switch within 1 second otherwise Count the number of LED flashes Release the switch as soon as the required value is reached In case you lose count keep the switch pressed and wait until the flash count reaches its maximum and restarts On completion of a step the instrument automatically advances to the next step When all required...

Page 24: ...ect port andbaudrateareselected For RS 232 operationthebaudratemust be38400 Baud 3 9 2 1 FlowDDE Digital Bronkhorst instruments can be operated via RS 232 using the Bronkhorst FlowDDE server application Dynamic Data Exchange DDE provides a basic level of inter process communication between Windows applications Together with a client application either self made or with a third party SCADA program ...

Page 25: ...gupaDDE link consult theFlowDDEManual document no 9 17 067 or thehelpfileintheapplication 3 9 2 2 Software DDE applications Examples of free Bronkhorst DDE client applications FlowPlot and FlowView Other software programs third party supporting DDE are for example MS Office LabVIEW InTouch and Wizcon Bronkhorst software applications FlowView left and FlowPlot right FlowDDE andother Bronkhorst appl...

Page 26: ...ration information to operate the device in a PROFIBUS DP system including all available operating parameters with their data types A GSD filefor Bronkhorst instrumentscanbedownloadedfrom theproduct pagesontheBronkhorst website www bronkhorst com products DeviceNet Instruments in a DeviceNet system can be monitored and operated using third party software as a master device such as TIA Portal by Si...

Page 27: ...e immediately after the outlet of the instrument control valve shut off valve Blockingtheflowthroughtheinstrument isessential zeroinganinstrument whilethereisstill aflowwill leadto measurement errors Methods Adjusting the zero point of an instrument can be done by the following methods manually by using the multifunctional switch digitally via RS 232 or fieldbus with the autozero function of a Bro...

Page 28: ...self to the real weight of the displaced liquid that is measured by an accurate weighing scale To operate the counter functionality FlowPlot or a Bronkhorst readout and control unit E 8000 BRIGHT can be used Apart from the instrument the following items are needed for this calibration check an accurate weighing scale a liquid container big enough to hold as much liquid as will get dosed in 2 minut...

Page 29: ... written B Parameter is secured and only accepts values if parameter Init Reset is set to unlocked first Range Some parameters only accept values within a certain range x Minimum value of the range y Maximum value of the range FlowDDE Parameter number within FlowDDE FLOW BUS Within the FLOW BUS protocol ProPar when using RS 232 communication parameters are identified by a unique combination of a p...

Page 30: ...epositivesignals0 131 07 arestill representedbytherangeof0 41942 FlowDDE convertsthenumberstonegativevaluesautomatically Setpoint Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned int RW 0 32000 9 1 1 0x0021 34 This parameter is used to set the required flow rate for the controller The signals have the same range as Measure but the setpoint range is limited between 0 and 100 0 32000 Temperature T...

Page 31: ...e SetpointSlope Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned int RW 0 30000 10 1 2 0x0022 35 The value of this parameter represents the time it would take to adjust the setpoint if it were changed from 0 to 100 This feature can be used to smooth nervous controller behavior e g to reduce setpoint overshoot or undershoot The supported range corresponds to 0 3000 seconds Default value 0 Example...

Page 32: ...ypes system errors and warnings min max alarms response alarms batch alarms master slave alarms The alarm type can be set with parameter Alarm Mode When an alarm is activated the type can be read out using parameter Alarm Info An automatic setpoint change can be set using the parameters Alarm Setpoint Mode and Alarm NewSetpoint It is also possible to set an alarm delay to prevent overreaction to s...

Page 33: ...US Modbus Unsigned char RW 0 255 182 97 7 0x0C27 3112 This value represents the time in seconds the alarm action will be delayed when an alarm limit has been exceeded This value also delays the alarm off action if an alarm limit is no longer exceeded Default value 0 AlarmMaximumLimit Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned int RW 0 32000 116 97 1 0x0C21 3106 Maximum limit for Measure to...

Page 34: ... By parameter Reset 3 8 Automatically when alarm conditions no longer apply 4 3 Counter Counter settingsaremost easilyaccessibleusingFlowPlot or FlowViewor aBronkhorst readout andcontrol unit Counter Mode Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char RW 0 2 130 104 8 0x0D08 3337 Available modes Value Description 0 Counter off default 1 Counting up continuously 2 Counting up until limit r...

Page 35: setpoint to Counter newsetpoint Counter New Setpoint Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned int RW 0 32000 127 104 6 0x0D06 3335 New safe setpoint when a counter limit is reached until reset Range 0 32000 represents 0 100 setpoint Default value 0 ResetCounter Enable Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char RW 0 15 157 104 9 0x0D09 3338 Available reset methods for coun...

Page 36: ... FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char RW B 0 255 199 125 10 0x0FAA 4011 Fieldbus1 Baud Rate Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned long RW B 0 1 0E10 201 125 9 0xFD48 0xFD49 64841 64842 Fieldbus1 Parity Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char RW B 0 2 335 125 12 0x0FAC 4013 The following values are supported Value Description 0 No parity 1 Odd parity 2 Even parity Comm...

Page 37: ...n be selected Each fluid has its specific configurable properties such as FluidName Capacity etc Default value 0 fluid 1 Note that the selected value is equal to the fluid number minus 1 value 0 corresponds to fluid 1 value 1 to fluid 2 etc Fluid Name Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char 10 RW B 25 1 17 0x8188 0x818C 33161 33165 This parameter contains the name of the current fl...

Page 38: ... 38 245 33 10 0xA150 0xA151 41297 41298 This parameter defines a reference temperature for conversion of the measured mass flow to a volume flow See also parameters CapacityUnit and Counter Unit CapacityUnitTypePressure Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Float RW B 0 3 4E 38 246 33 11 0xA158 0xA159 41305 41306 This parameter defines a reference pressure for conversion of the measured mass f...

Page 39: ... the strength of the P action to prevent overshoot when the new setpoint is reached The proportional action is enhanced by one of three additional response factors depending on the control cycle stage Open from zero the setpoint is larger than zero and the measured value is below 2 of the full scale range Normal step the measured value differs more than 2 from the setpoint typically after changing...

Page 40: ...d when the controller is stable within a 2 band around the setpoint Default value 128 no correction Other values adjust the controller gain correction signal as follows Controller gain Controller Speed PID Kp 1 05 response factor 128 4 7 Master slave configuration FLOW BUS Normally there is no communication between the instruments in a fieldbus system The FLOW BUS protocol however provides a featu...

Page 41: ...ent setpoint 80 x 50 100 40 4 8 Device identification User Tag Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char 16 RW 115 113 6 0xF130 0xF137 61745 61752 With this parameter the instrument can be given a custom tag name with a maximum of 16 characters Customer Model Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char 16 RW B 93 113 4 0xF120 0xF127 61729 61736 This parameter is used to a...

Page 42: and written to 82 locked secured parameters are read only At power up Init Reset is always set to Locked value 82 Reset Type Access Range FlowDDE FLOW BUS Modbus Unsigned char R 0 7 114 115 8 0x0E68 3689 This parameter is used to reset the program counter or alarms Value Description 0 No reset 1 Reset counter 2 Reset alarm 3 Reset counter 4 Reset and disable counter 5 Reset firmware program s...

Page 43: RS 232 20 Valve Steering Controller disabled setpoint redirected to Valveoutput 21 Analog Valve Steering Controller disabled analog input redirected to Valveoutput 22 Valve Safe State Force instrument in safe state Immediately after power up Control Mode is set to Analog input or BUS RS232 automatically depending on the requested default setting for analog or digital operation If Control mode i...

Page 44: ... Init Reset to 82 locked Changing from analog operation to digital operation 1 Set parameter Init Reset to 64 unlocked 2 Read parameter IO Status 3 Subtract 64 from the read value 4 Write the new value to parameter IO Status 5 Set parameter Init Reset to 82 locked Theproceduresdescribedabovedonot changethevalueofparameter Control Mode directly Toapplythenewdefault control modeimmediately changethe...

Page 45: ...multifunctional switch see Multifunctional switch with the restore function of a Bronkhorst readout and control unit BRIGHT E 8000 via RS 232 communication with the Restoresettings function in FlowPlot Changesmadetothenetworksettings busaddress baudrate parity will not berestoredbyafactoryreset 5 3 Common issues Symptom Possiblecause Action Red LED glows continuously No liquid in measuring tube Fl...

Page 46: ...e cleaning liquid e g ethanol or isopropyl alcohol For external proportional control valves supply 0 15 Vdc and operational inlet pressure to valve and slowly increase voltage If valve does not open clean parts and re adjust valve Inlet pressure too low Increase inlet pressure Outlet pressure too high Check outlet pressure Process outlet blocked Check process outlet and downstream piping Measured ...

Page 47: ... pressure Control valve normally open failure Return equipment to factory Sensor failure Return equipment to factory Flow rate decreases gradually Condensation on measuring tube might occur with NH3 and some hydrocarbons such as C3H8 C4H10 Increase media temperature to above ambient conditions Measured flow rate erroneous Calibration status compromised Check calibration status ...

Page 48: ...product for your application Contact sales by e mail sales bronkhorst com For after sales questions our Customer Service Department is available with help and guidance To contact CSD by e mail aftersales bronkhorst com No matter the time zone our experts within the Support Group are available to answer your request immediately or ensure appropriate further action Our experts can be reached at 31 8...

Page 49: ...aininga Declarationondecontamination form document no9 17 032 canbe downloadedfrom theService Support sectionoftheBronkhorst website www bronkhorst com Important Clearly note on top of the package the customs clearance number of Bronkhorst High Tech B V NL801989978B01 only if applicable otherwise contact your Bronkhorst representative for local arrangements 6 2 Disposal end of lifetime Within the ...

Page 50: ...Bronkhorst Instruction Manual mini CORI FLOW M1x 9 17 050O 50 ...

Page 51: ...omer Model 41 Device type 42 Firmware version 41 Identification number 42 Serial Number 41 User Tag 41 Parameters Fluid set Capacity 37 Capacity Unit 37 Capacity Unit Type Pressure 38 Capacity Unit Type Temperature 38 Fluid Name 37 Fluid Set Index 37 Parameters Fluid set advanced Density 39 Fluid Temperature 38 Inlet Pressure 38 Outlet Pressure 38 Parameters Master Slave Master Node 41 Slave Facto...
