Manual Flow Switch D-6300/FS
9.17.114A – edition: 2017-07
Page 10 of 36
In the event of power loss or when unplugging the main connector the instrument will be
reset into factory settings (= delivery condition).
All instruments described in this manual carry the CE-mark. Therefore they have to
comply with the EMC requirements valid for these instruments. However compliance with
the EMC requirements is not possible without the use of proper cables and
connector/gland assemblies.
In case the instrument is connected to other devices (e.g. power supply) it has to be
ensured that the operating voltage complies with the supply voltage given on the name
plate and that the function of the shielding is not affected. M+W Instruments GmbH
recommends using standard cables following the CE-requirements and could supply them
when needed.
2.3 Operation and Maintenance
When the power is switched on a warm-up period of at least 30 sec is required allowing
the instrument’s thermal stabilisation. Afterwards the instrument will work with an
accuracy of approximately 4% FS. It takes around 30 minutes until the optimal stability is
reached and the instrument will work with an accuracy of < 2% FS. This is supposed to be
performed with or without gas flow. To avoid creating gradients it is recommended that
gas and ambient temperature are kept at the same level
(max ΔT
approx. ± 2…3 °C).
Otherwise the accuracy of this thermal measurement could be affected in an
unpredictable manner.
Be sure that the specified pressure ratings have been applied. Pressure surges, as may
occur during the system pressurisation, must be avoided. When starting up, always bring
the instrument gradually up to the level of operating conditions.