Liquid Dosing Control Manual
9.17.150 rev A – September 2020
This document provides a description of functions required for a successful operation of the Liquid Dosing
Set (LDS). These functions are listed in detail, including applicable pre-conditions, manual actions and
involved instrument parameters.
The scope for this version of the document includes:
Bronkhorst controlling instrument
- ES-FLOW series
- mini CORI-FLOW M-series
- mini CORI-FLOW MI-series
- mini CORI-FLOW ML-series
- CORI-FLOW M-series
- Pumps
- Valves
Functions for setup and operation
- Connect and configure settings
- Prepare for Operation
- Start, pause and stop dosing
For the ease of reading:
- Instructions are for all instruments and written for an RS232 interface using a Proces
Parameter (ProPar) protocol, and references are made to Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
parameter numbers, which are unique numbers for parameter identification.
- Chapter 1 contains a table with reference documentation, uncluding dedicated manuals for
fieldbus specific communication instructions.
- Where instructions deviate for specific instruments, this will be clearly noted
- Fieldbus specific parameters will be provided
- Instructions are for all types of actuators, unless specific deviations are noted
- Instructions for (manual) operator actions are shown in blue
- Programmable interactions or system control and parameter readout are shown in red
this document does not include any instructions or recommendations on the installation and connection of
the Liquid Dosing Set.
Image 1 - Example of a Liquid Dosing Set