RTU32M Series User Guide
Brodersen A/S, Islevdalvej 187, DK-2610 Roedovre, Denmark, Tel: +45 45 35 26 27, Fax: +45 45 35 26 29, Email: [email protected]
August 2018
Modbus Drivers
The RTU32M PLC runtime supports function for several types of Modbus protocols:
ModbusRTU Master and Slave
ModbusASCII Slave
ModbusTCP Client and Server
The drivers are setup using the Fieldbus Configurator in WorkSuite. Refer to WorkSuite training and programming examples. You will
find support for ModbusUDP, and Function Block managed Modbus drivers in the WorkSuite help.
ModbusRTU Master
The RTU32M supports several Master/Client drivers. You can in fact setup as many Master drivers as you have COM ports available.
The Modbus Master/Client is setup using the Fieldbus Configurator. See the WorkSuite help for details.
ModbusRTU Slave
The RTU32M supports only one Slave/Server driver. You must add a MBSLAVERTU function block in the program logic for the Serial
Modbus Slave driver (MBSLAVERTUEX function is used if more than one slave/server is required
it allows separation of the
slave/server addresses using their ‘Server Id’
). The MBSLAVERTU function defines the Modbus Slave address and port settings. You can
find the function block in the “Advanced” function block folder. All variable assignments, addressing etc. are done in the Fi
Configurator. See WorkSuite for details.
IEC60870-5-101/103/104 Drivers
The Utility protocols IEC60870-5-101, 103 and -104 are implemented as a basic link driver in the RTU32M. The application layer which
includes all the specific handling of request and events communication is managed in the RTU application program. A range of
WorkSuite functions and example are provided for the different protocol functions and ASDU handling.
WorkSuite include drivers for:
IEC60870-5-101 Master
IEC60870-5-101 Slave
IEC60870-5-103 Master
IEC60870-5-104 Server
IEC60870-5-104 Client
The basic link drivers include handles for the link driver where you can define buffers, link address etc. The fact that the serial link is
similar to the IEC60870-5-103, provides the option to implement application layer support for this protocol as well.
To use the IEC60870 driver, you must use the RTU32 Series Code Generator tool. This is used for simple configuration of any IEC60870
DNP3 Slave and DNP3 Master Drivers
The RTU32M supports both DNP3 Slave and DNP3 Master drivers. See the WorkSuite Help and Brodersen technical reference manuals
for details on setup and app notes for application examples.