RTU32M Series User Guide
Brodersen A/S, Islevdalvej 187, DK-2610 Roedovre, Denmark, Tel: +45 45 35 26 27, Fax: +45 45 35 26 29, Email: [email protected]
August 2018
Serial settings
The syntax is: [M]COM{n}:{b},{p},{d},{s}[,h][,LL] and the parameters in brackets [ ] are optional:
[M] Use modem connection
{n} Number of the COM port to be used (1 … 8)
{b} Allowed speeds: 300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200
{p} Parity: N,E,O (None,Even,Odd)
{d} Data bits: 7 or 8
{s} Stop bits: 1 or 2
[h] RTS/CTS handshaking where h is either RD,RE,RT:l:t or RC:l:t. In the COM port section you will find details of how to use these
[LL] Log all bytes received and transmitted into the system log (port 911)
The following example shows setting for communicating on COM1 port, at 19200 baud, with Even parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit:
Here a modem usage is enabled: MCOM2:9600,N,8,1
Here logging is enabled: COM1:9600,N,8,1,LL
Node address
Node Address (or Unit number) identifies the RTU32 on a multi drop network. The default number for RTU32M on a peer to peer
network is 1. The address must be a value from 1 to 32767.
Modem Init String
Here you enter the initialization string (AT commands) when using a modem.
RTU32M default is: AT E0 V0 &C1 S0=1
The start-up option specifies how the PLC application is started when the RTU32M is powered up. The possible options are:
No Start
PLC application is NOT started when booting the RTU32.
Cold Start
PLC application is started without loading retained variables.
Warm Start
PLC application is started and retained variables are loaded (default) **.
Hot Restart
Only supported with battery backed RAM option and in Redundancy configuration!
** Note: RTU32M retaine
d variables are stored to the SD card only if/when the ‘STORERETAIN’ function is called.
Use UTC time for PLC real time functions
If enabled, it instructs all PLC real time functions (e.g. DTCurDate, DTCurTime and day_time) to return time in UTC. UTC time is not
adjusted according to daylight savings. If this parameter is disabled then time is returned in local time which is adjusted to daylight
saving if this option is enabled.
NOTE: Drivers that are implemented via PLC Functions
like the IEC60870 Driver
will use the PLC time stamp for events! Other
drivers may take standard windows time or whatever time is defined in the applicable standards.
Enable Multi Task
This is a licensed option and allows the RTU to run up to 4x independent logic tasks (global variables can be accessed from any/all
PLC Main Settings / Binding Protocol Timing (seconds)
When using binding on slower network connection like some optical fibre modems or GPRS/3G wireless connections, you will need to
adjust the timing for the Binding driver.
The possible timing adjustments are:
Heartbeat period
how often a heartbeat is sending to check the binding link connection.
Binding Time-out
time-out on link check and general binding event.