Brocade Mobility RFS9510 Controller Installation Guide
The Brocade Mobility™ 9510 Enterprise NC Controller lets you centrally administer networks up to
10,240 WLAN access points geographically dispersed over numerous telecommuter and small or
medium sized enterprise locations. Brocade Access Points intelligently handle the traffic flows,
quality of service, mobility and security at remotely distributed locations, while the Mobility
RFS9510 Controller provides a single point for configuration, policy setting, and remote
troubleshooting. Hotspot configuration, security policy management, and statistics aggregation are
all done by one powerful NoC controller. This efficient WLAN architecture makes controlling the
network easier, and reduces the hardware expense required to support large networks.
Document conventions
The following graphical alerts are used in this document to indicate notable situations
Tips, hints, or special requirements that you should take note of.
Care is required. Disregarding a caution can result in data loss or equipment malfunction.
Indicates a condition or procedure that could result in personal injury or equipment damage.
Read all installation instructions and site survey reports, and verify correct equipment
installation before connecting the appliance to its power source.
Remove jewelry and watches before installing this equipment.
Verify the unit is grounded before connecting it to the power source.
Verify any device connected to this unit is properly wired and grounded.
Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical circuit.
Verify the electrical circuits have appropriate overload protection.
Attach only approved power cords to the device.
Verify the power connector and socket are accessible at all times during the operation of the
Do not work with power circuits in dimly lit spaces.