Brocade FastIron Edge X-Series Hardware Installation Guide
Part Number: 53-1002499-02
Replacing and Maintaining the Hardware
Installing or replacing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module
Proceed to the section
“Removing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module”
“Installing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module”
Removing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module
Complete the following steps to remove a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module.
Disassemble the FastIron device as instructed in the section
Remove the 10-Gigabit module:
Unplug the power cable from the rear of the 10-Gigabit module.
Use a #2 Phillips-head screwdriver to loosen and remove the three screws on the 10-Gigabit module.
Gently lift the module up and out of the device.
Place the 10-Gigabit module in an anti-static bag for storage.
Unplug the power cable for the 10-Gigabit module from the main board and remove it from the device.
Do one of the following:
Insert the new 10-Gigabit module as instructed in the section
“Installing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module”
If you are removing the module without replacing it, install the blank face place in the upper left-hand corner or the front
Re-assemble the device as instructed in the section
Installing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module
Follow these procedures when installing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet module.
Disassemble the FastIron device as instructed in the section
Remove the 10-Gigabit Ethernet module, power cable, and faceplate from the protective packaging.
Install the 10-Gigabit module’s power cable (supplied with the 10-Gigabit module):
Plug one end of the cable into the power connector on the main board of the device. The connector is located on the rear of
the main board towards the rear of the device.
Plug the other end of the cable into the power connector located on the rear of the 10-Gigabit module (the side opposite the
port connectors).
Install the 10-Gigabit module in the device:
Use the two guide links (mounting posts) located towards the rear of the main board to properly place and align the
10-Gigabit Ethernet module inside the device and on top of the main board.
Depress the 10-Gigabit module, applying pressure in the location of the connector, and not at the side. Note that the
connector must be fully seated and snapped into place. Otherwise, the module will not work.
Use a #2 Phillips-head screwdriver to fasten the three screws on the 10-Gigabit module. Affix the screws loosely at first,
then tighten them once you are sure the board is properly positioned.
Mount the faceplate (provided with the 10-Gigabit module) on the upper left-hand corner of the front panel. Use a #2
Phillips-head screwdriver to fasten the two screws in place.
Re-assemble the device as described in the following section.