DTE-16 Plus Installation and Operation Manual
Channel Control Inputs
Connect a normally open dry contact closure between the “GND” terminal and any of
the 16 channel inputs. These are labeled 1 thru 16. The input LED will light to indi-
cate the input is active. The “DV” LED will light to indicate valid tone generation.
Computer Control Command Syntax
To control the DTE-16 Plus from a computer, it must be connected to the USB port
on a PC running a serial terminal program such as HyperTerminal, or PuTTY. When
you first plug the DTE in to your PC it should automatically install the correct FTDI
USB Serial port drivers which will allow you to access the DTE on a COM port. Set
the terminal program to 9600,8,N,1, flow control to NONE. Character Echo should
also be turned ON. Once the DTE is connected and a serial terminal session is open
commands can be sent to trigger tones either as a string of tones or as individual
tones with the duration controlled by user written software. Commands must be ter-
minated with a carriage return (<cr>).
Short Duration
Generates 50ms tones with 50ms spacing (10 digits per second.)
Command syntax: @Snnnn<cr>
Where @ is the beginning of the string, S is the command, and nnnn is the desired
tone or tone sequence, up to 60 digits.
Command example: @S1234<cr>
Sends the sequence “1234” with 50ms tone duration and spacing.
Medium Duration
Generates 100ms tones with 100ms spacing (5 digits per second.)
Command syntax: @Lnnnn<cr>
Where @ is the beginning of the string, L is the command, and nnnn is the desired
tone or tone sequence, up to 60 digits.
Command example: @L1234<cr>
Sends the sequence “1234” with 100ms tone duration and spacing.
Long Duration
Generates 500ms tones with 100ms spacing.
Command syntax: @Xnnnn<cr>
Where @ is the beginning of the string, X is the command, and nnnn is the desired
tone or tone sequence, up to 60 digits.
Command example: @X1234<cr>
Sends the sequence “1234” with 500ms tone duration and 100ms spacing.
Single Latched Tones
Generates a single tone at a length defined by your software.
Command syntax: @Tn<cr>(desired tone duration)<cr>
Where @ is the beginning of the string, T is the command, and n is the desired tone.
The tone will start with the first carriage return (<cr>) and remain latched on until a
second carriage return is received. This allows the user’s software to control the
duration of the tone.
Command example: @T4<cr>(wait 5 seconds)<cr>
Generates the DTMF 4 tone from the first carriage return to the second (5 seconds.)
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