Audio Sentinel
+»Web Installation and Operation Manual
The user must enter the following settings before an email can be successfully
sent: SMTP Server Address, SMTP Port, SMTP Return Address, SMTP Host ID, SMTP
username and SMTP password. Recipient addresses 1-8. The test email is sent to email
recipient address 1.
The user should press the “Save Settings” button after entering the SMTP information
before attempting an email test. If authentication fails, the email is not sent, please
ensure that the username and password is correct.
“Email/Network Setup” Web Page – Email Logging Settings
Logging Email Address:
IP address for the “Logging” email recipient (may
be different from the 8 “Alarm” Recipient
Addresses. Logging emails and Daily emails are
sent to this address.
Logging Email Snapshot Interval: The period in hours that a snapshot is taken of the
system. An email is not sent on this interval.
Logging Email Update Interval:
The period in hours that the snapshots are emailed.
This email may contain multiple snapshots if the
Snapshot Interval is less than the Update Interval.
Each snapshot will be identified by the date and
“Email/Network Setup” Web Page – Email Alarm Settings
Email Alarms:
Choose Immediate and/or Daily. If Immediate is
selected, then an email will be sent out as soon as
an alarm is generated. If Daily is selected, then
each alarm is queued and the number of queued
alarms is displayed on the Monitor/Control page.
Daily Alarm Email Time:
The time that queued alarms are sent. Queued
alarms are sent to the Logging Email Address only.
“Alarm” Recipient Address:
Email addresses for up to 8 addresses. These
address correlate to the 8 email addresses selectable
on each I/O Device.
“Email/Network Setup” Web Page – SNMP Manager Settings
SNMP Trap IP Address 1-2:
SNMP traps can be sent to one or two IP addresses.
Enter them here.
SNMP Manager Trap Port:
This is the port number that SNMP trap messages
will be sent. Default: 162
SNMP Read Community:
This is the community name for Read-Only access.
Default: public
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