Mica Installation Planning Guide - Sept 2011
The Broadcast Pix Mica system does not do any internal audio mixing, as powerful external audio mixers are cost
effective and readily available, however any Mica system can remotely control external audio mixers through the
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) protocol. This method provides more control and options for the user,
compared to conventional switchers that use the antiquated ESAM protocol, as MIDI works with many different
types of audio mixers and is more powerful and affordable. Examples of controllable audio mixers are: Yamaha
O1V96, DM2000, Mackie TT24, and Roland RSS M-400.
This option does not have to replace an audio operator, it can assist them. For example, when a clip from the
internal Broadcast Pix clip store plays on air, it can automatically turn on the sliders for the clip store audio on the
mixer, and when it goes off air the sliders turn off. Or, when an anchor on set is on air, it triggers a scene change to
bring up his volume, adjust EQ settings and add some compression. All this is accomplished with the Audio-Follow-
Video option from Broadcast Pix. For less demanding productions, when an audio operator is not desired, the
audio follow option may be configured to completely take his place.
The Audio-Follow option includes a M-Audio MIDI to USB converter to connect your audio mixer to the Mica
Content Server through the MIDI In & MIDI Out ports, as shown below. If desired, you may also use a straight USB
cable, if your audio mixer accepts MIDI control over USB. Once connected, simply enter your parameters in the
command grid and start switching. Since the Broadcast Pix Mica system is file based, these settings are saved on a
show by show basis so every Broadcast Pix show that you produce can have unique Audio-Follow commands.
Audio-Follow-Video Option #880
Broadcast Pix Audio-Follow Setup Window
Mica System, Rear View
USB connection
Audio Mixer, Rear View
MIDI-USB Converter
Included with option