Mica Installation Planning Guide - Sept 2011
One of the unique features of all Broadcast Pix systems is control room operations are so integrated that
compelling live video can be created by a minimal staff, even one person. A technical director can switch and
control cameras, key on lower thirds, update guest graphics, change over-the-shoulder boxes, roll in opens and
packages, plus trigger audio commands, all from one control panel. This tight interaction makes productions more
efficient, and enables a solo operator to create a show that requires a team in a conventional studio.
Two Person Operation
However, the Mica system is not limited to one person operation. There are times when in addition to having a
complex switched production, multiple graphics and clips need to be updated and changed on the fly. The Mica
system is highly scalable, and can easily accommodate multiple users. A common setup up for a Broadcast Pix
studio is a technical director switching and calling the camera shots, plus a second operator changing graphics and
clips as needed. Both users are controlling the same Broadcast Pix system, the technical director with the 2000,
1000 or 500 control panel or with a touch-screen on the Mica Desktop, and the graphics operator with a
keyboard, mouse and dedicated graphics monitor.
SoftPanels for Larger Teams
Through the use of SoftPanels, which are virtual control panels, users enter an IP address and have access to any
part of the control panel to assist the director in various show needs. You may have as many SoftPanel licenses
installed on your system as you wish, and they can easily be added on as an option. Each control panel/SoftPanel
uses one license, the Mica comes with 3 licenses, but more may be beneficial. SoftPanels can be opened on a
laptop or Android by using a wireless router. Larger teams can also use remote panels, and Apple apps as
described on the following pages. Since SoftPanels are Flash-based, users can right-click and zoom into various
parts of the control panel for a custom look, as shown below. This not only focuses the user on their section, but
also limits access to other parts of the panel, that the director may not want anyone to control.
Team Operation
Technical Director
(Shown on 2000 control panel)
Graphics/Clips Operator
Graphics Operator
Clips Operator
on SoftPanel
Technical Director
(Shown on a 1000 control panel