Chapter7: Tips for use
This data is immediately written to the hard disk of your PC, ensuring the data is safe even in
the event of power failure. All results shown on the BCS screen have been written to the result
BCS also has a log file, containing all the relevant events. All received results are written to this
log file. To view the log file, go to the Tools
Show log file menu.
Session file in your scoring program
Lastly, the scoring program retrieves the results from the result file. The scoring program stores
the results in its own files.
The results are therefore stored in five locations in total. In the event of data loss in one of the five
locations, it is possible to check whether the results are still stored at the next level up, and to
reprocess the results from that location.
Scoring program data loss
In the event of data loss in the scoring program, check whether the results are still stored in the BCS
result file. The recommended method is to launch BCS from the Windows Start menu
All Programs
Bridgemate II. Once BCS is started up, go to the
menu and select the result file you
used for your session. If the results appear on the screen, they have been stored in the result file. The
results can now be reprocessed from the scoring program. For further information about processing
Bridgemate results, see the instructions included with the scoring program.
Bridgemate Control Software data loss
If the result file contains no results (see the above-mentioned step), it is possible to retrieve them from
the server and to read them in the result file. The first step is to check whether the results are still
stored on the server. Use the Server
Show all scores menu for this purpose. All the results stored in
the server will now be shown. If the correct results are shown, it is possible to read them manually
using the Server
Show tables menu. Select all tables (hold down the left mouse button and the Shift
key) and press “Retrieve scores”. The results of the selected tables are retrieved from the server and
processed in the result file. The results can now be read by the scoring program.
Server data loss
If neither the server, nor the result file, nor the scoring program contains any data, your last resort is to
retrieve the results from the Bridgemates. All results entered in the Bridgemate are stored in the
internal memory of the Bridgemate. These can be read in the result file using the manual connection
between the Bridgemates and your PC. Use the communications cable for this purpose. See chapter 6
for more information about reading results manually.
The board results are stored in the internal memory of the Bridgemate. Once the Bridgemate has been
started up again for a new session, the memory is erased and all the data removed. This procedure is
executed after you have pressed OK in the SECTION/TABLE screen and the Bridgemate has logged
into the server. When retrieving the results from the Bridgemate, please ensure that no players are
operating the Bridgemates to avoid the Bridgemate logging into the server.
Retrieving results from the log file
Results can also be retrieved from the log file. All results entered in BCS are stored in the log file. To
view the log file, go to the Tools
Show log file menu. The selected rows can be copied and saved to
an empty text file and printed. Automatic processing is not possible; the results must be entered
manually in the scoring program. The actual file, BMProLog.log, is located in the Bridgemate Control
Software folder, normally C:\Program files\Bridgemate Pro.
Multiple bridge clubs playing simultaneously
There may be times when two or more bridge clubs are playing at the same time in one building. As
the Bridgemate II server can incorporate a specific table number only once at a time, it is not possible
for two clubs to make use of one server simultaneously. Both bridge clubs will therefore require their