You will need to descale your Breville
PrimaLatte™ approximately every 2-3 months (this can vary
depending on water hardness and frequency of use). Signs that you need to descale can include brewing
becomes slower, reduced water flow, white deposits or leaking around the brewing head and excessive
We recommend you use a proprietary descaling product especially made for coffee makers and plastic
kettles. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Fit a filter then fit the filter holder to the unit. Place a large cup under the brewing head.
Cycle the descaling solution through the unit by pressing the
button twice. Repeat as
Rinse and empty the milk tank then refit it. Turn the froth control fully clockwise to the cleaning position
). Place a large cup under the brewing head and position the froth tube over the cup. Press and
hold the
button for 3 seconds to activate the cleaning cycle. Allow the cleaning cycle to finish.
4. Replace the descaling solution in the water tank with cold tap water and repeat steps 2 and 3 as many
times as necessary to flush out any traces of the descaling product.