Viewing sunrise/sunset times for different dates
1. In sunrise/sunset mode, press
2. The date should be fl ashing.
to adjust date. Press and hold either button for fast advance.
The corresponding sunrise and sunset times will be displayed for the selected date.
3. Press
to return display to sunrise/sunset mode.
Understanding the sunrise/sunset display
The sunrise time being displayed differs during the morning and the afternoon/night.
From 12 a.m. to 12 p.m.:
The sunrise time for the current day will be displayed.
From 12 p.m. to 12 a.m.:
The sunrise time for the next day will be displayed. ‘NEXT DAY’ icon
will be displayed above the sunrise time.
At certain locations (especially those at high latitudes), sunrise and sunset events may not occur
within a 24 hour time frame.
Sunrise status
Sunset status
Sunrise at previous day
Sunset at next day or later
No sunrise for the whole day
No sunset for the whole day
Temperature and humidity mode
The weather center supports up to 5 thermo-hygro outdoor sensors, each sensor corresponding to
a separate channel for the temperature and relative humidity display. The temperature may be shown
in degrees Celsius (°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The trend (rising, steady or falling) of all values is
also indicated on the display.
The base station uses the indoor temperature and humidity data to compute a comfort-level rating of
wet, comfort or dry.
A temperature alert function is available for each channel. It can be programmed to sound if the chan-
nel temperature exceeds or falls below the pre-confi gured upper and lower limits.
The temperature alerts have a 0.5 ºC hysteresis to prevent the alerts from sounding constantly due to
small fl uctuations near the alert value. This means that after the temperature reaches the alert value, it
will have to fall below the alert value plus the hysteresis to deactivate the alert.
Accessing temperature and humidity mode
From the base station: Press
until the [
] icon of the display starts fl ashing.
Viewing temperature and humidity display for each channel
For static display:
In temperature and humidity mode, each press of
rotates display between different chan-