can be assigned to either alarm > or < condition, by a corresponding
parameter selection in this step:
0 = < setpoint
1 = > setpoint
Starter condition of alarms
A control signal to the Starter input (see diagram) throws the alarm
output to a programmable condition for an adjustable period of time.
This may be required for the starting period of a machine, specifically
if monitored for low speed alarm.
Parameter 0 sets output to > setpoint during starter phase,
parameter 1 sets output to < setpoint during starter phase,
Step P04.04
Alarm output during starter phase
Starter time elapse
The starter time elapse is adjusted in program step P04.05 with range
000...999 sec.
Step P04.05
starter time period
Relay output SP1 assigned to setpoint SP1 or to reverse alarm SP2
The relay SP1 can be assigned either to the setpoint SP1 or to the
reverse alarm SP2. If assigned to SP2, relay SP1 has identical function
as relay SP2.
Assignment is adjusted in step P04.06:
Parameter 0 = relay SP1 assigned to setpoint SP1
Parameter 1 = relay SP1 assigned to reverse alarm SP2
Step P04.06
assignment of relay output SP2
Program Range P05
Not relevant
Initial parameters
The unit comes programmed to initial parameters, as listed on page 4.
In course of the installation however, the specific adjustment to the
application conditions is indispensable.
initial parameters