NEVER open the device! This will make
the manufacturer’s warranty invalid and
could adversely affect the device’s
This product has been calibrated at the time of manufacture . If used
according to the instructions for use, periodic recalibration is not
required . If at any time you question the measuring accuracy, please
contact our service representative (see last page for contact information) .
What to do if ...
Potential cause and remedy
Batteries are low
Get ready to replace batteries soon with
new ones .
Batteries are fully
Insert new batteries or check that
batteries are correctly inserted .
«Err 1»
Signal too weak
The pulse signals on the cuff are too
weak . Re-position the cuff and repeat
the measurement .*
«Err 2»
Error signal
During the measurement, error signals
were detected by the cuff, caused for
instance by movement or muscle
tension . Repeat the measurement,
keeping the arm still .
«Err 3»
No pressure in the
An adequate pressure cannot be
generated in the cuff . A leak may have
occurred . Check that the cuff is correctly
connected and is not too loose . Replace
the batteries if necessary . Repeat the
measurement .
«Err 5»
Abnormal result
The measuring signals are inaccurate
and no result can therefore be
displayed . Read through the checklist
for performing reliable measurements
and then repeat the measurement .*
Pulse or cuff
too high
The pressure in the cuff is too high (over
300 mmHg) OR the pulse is too high
(over 200 beats per minute) . Relax for
5 minutes and repeat the measurement .*
Pulse too low
The pulse is too low (less than 40 beats
per minute) . Repeat the measurement .*
* If this or any other problem occurs repeatedly, please consult your