1 General
The 12m antenna, a synthetic Cassegrain dual-reflector antenna models SCB37-120,
SCB107-120 and SCB107E-120, adopts some new technologies, such as high-
performance corrugated horn and broadband microwave network, etc.
The antenna performance meets the requirements of ITU-R/ITU-T
and Resolution 572 of Anatel standards. It is not only provided with many excellent
electric performances, such as high efficiency, low sidelobe, low cross polarization, low
Voltage standing waves ratio (VSWR), high G/T value, but also with excellent characters
including appropriate structural design, strong wind resistance ability, beautiful
appearance and high tracking accuracy. It is a new generation satellite communication
This manual is applicable for the follow models of antenna:
SCB37-120: C-Band Cassegrain 12 meters antenna for Circular or Linear Polarization;
SCB107-120: Ku-Band Cassegrain 12 meters antenna for Linear Polarization;
SCB107E-120: Extend Ku-Band Cassegrain 12 meters antenna for Linear Polarization;