Analog Relay Mux Board
AD1200 card jumper set range of 0-10 Volts unipolar.
Gain of 1000 is selected for Channel 0
Ambient temperature of 18 degrees Centigrade
Thus CJC circuit gives a voltage of 18 x 0.5 mV = 9mV.
9mV input Channel 0 at gain of 1000 equivalent to 9 Volts
9 Volts on 0-10V i/p range is 9*4096/10= 3686= E66hex
To convert a reading into a temperature in degrees Centigrade
use the following formula:-
Temp in C = (ADC Reading * Input Span In Volts)
(4096 * Gain * 0.5mV per C)
where the 0.5mV per degree C is 0.5/1000 Volts per degree C.
Thus for the above ADC reading of 3686 decimal, with a 10Volt
span in the input range and a Gain of 1000.
Temp in C=
( 3686 * 10)
(4096 * 1000 * 0.5/1000 )
Temp in C=
( 36860) =
18 degrees] Centigrade.
(2048 )
Calibrating The Cold Junction.
The cold junction compensation circuit can be calibrated simply
in the following manner. Place a precision voltmeter across the
CJC TO REL0 ENABLE jumper pins. Adjust potentiometer R23
with a screw driver so that the voltmeter reads 0.5mV times the
ambient temperature. Thus if the room temperature is 20 degree
C, R23 should be adjusted till the voltmeter reads exactly
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