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Home > Valve 1 > Diagnostics – The diagnostics section is broken up into several menus and will help to
diagnose issues if they occur.
Active faults - lists the faults that are currently active preventing or limiting boiler function.
Fault History – lists the faults that have occurred and are no longer active.
Trends – variables can be added to a graph to create a trend. The time scale and variables to monitor can be
selected from pulldown menus.
Reports – creates a report of all of the gas valve settings, A/F curves, faults, ignition settings and OEM settings
that can be used when trouble shooting the boiler. This report is something that you may be asked to collect
when requesting application support, so settings and adjustments can be confirmed.
Data Acquisition – Only available during BETA. Allows for the collection of data specific to valve operation for
diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes.
9.E Diagnostics