Managing Waste
PACCAR Winch believes in a life-cycle approach to our products. We encourage best practices regarding “Going
Green” — making environmentally responsible decisions to “reduce, reuse, and recycle.”
• At the end of the winch’s useful life, it is highly recommended to drain and recycle any oil remaining in the equipment.
Please use a metal recycler for winch disposal to reduce landfill waste.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has developed required practices, called “management standards,” for busi-
nesses that handle used oil and metal wastes. Specific guidelines are available at the EPA and API Web sites as well
as your state’s environmental agency Web site:
• https://www.epa.gov/
• http://recycleoil.org/
The following service instructions have been prepared to provide assembly, disassembly and maintenance information
for the BRADEN Model CH Series 3 hoist. It is suggested that before doing any work on these units, all assembly and
disassembly instructions should be read and understood.
Some pictures in this manual may show details or attachments that are different from your hoist. Also, some compo
nents have been removed for illustrative purposes.
Continuing product improvement may cause changes in your hoist, which are not included in this manual. Whenever
a question arises regarding your BRADEN Hoist or this manual, please contact BRADEN Service Department for the
latest available information.