Picture 2
Picture 1
MVM Instructions |
Page 2
Before you begin to form your MVM, please make sure it looks exactly
the way it does in the top picture to the left.
To begin, use a marking pen to draw the lines on the MVM as
depicted in red in the middle picture to the left. Note: see red
lines in the middle picture for guidance.
Use a tin snips to cut along these lines. Then these cuts have been
made completely, continue by bending along the yellow lines as
depicted in the middle picture. Make this bend a 90° angle. If the
the bracket gets bent use a small hammer to pound out the imper-
fections. If the paint chips use some paint to cover up the paint.
Now go back to Step 3 on the previous page to fi nish installa-
The Bracketron MVM-45-05 mount is a modifi able mounting bracket. The illustrations on the left show how this mount should
look during and after the modifi cation steps in order to fi t the listed vehicles on the front page of this manual.
Many vehicle
applications may not require any modifi cations to the mount. If this is the case it will be noted below and there will be no steps
to follow on this page.
© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor
do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information.
Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable
for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount.
Please see page 3 in this manual for PHS-
203 Ultra Slim Swivel Instructions.
Bracketron Inc
5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439
toll free:
Cut Mount Here
Picture 3
The hole pattern on the face of the MVM maybe
different then what is shown in the pictures.
Bend Mount Here