Multimedia LCD Projector
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Boxlight. Said limited war
anty sh
all apply only to the first per
son or en
tity th
purchases the Product for personal or business use and not for the purpose of distribu-
tion or resale. Said warranty shall continue for a period of two (2) years from the date
of such purchase. The standard limited warranty excludes the lamps in projectors after
120 days or 500 hours (whichever comes first) and the accessories after one year.
Boxlight does not warrant that the Product will meet the specific requirements of the
first person or entity that purchases the Product for personal or business use.
Boxlight’s liability for the breach of the foregoing limited warranty is limited to the
repair or replacement of the Product or refund of the purchase price of the Product, at
Boxlight’s sole option. Replacement Product may be re-furbished in “like-new”
condition, at Boxlight’s sole discretion. To exercise the Purchaser’s rights under the
foregoing warranty, the Product must be returned at the Purchaser’s sole cost and
expense, to Boxlight or to any authorized Boxlight service center provided, and the
Product must be accompanied by a written letter explaining the problem and which
includes (i) proof of date of purchase; (ii) the dealer’s name; and (iii) the model and
serial number of the Product. When sending your unit in for repair, please ship your
unit in its original packing material or a Boxlight approved ATA Shipping Case, or
have a professional packaging company pack the unit. Please insure your shipment for
its full value
. A return authorization number, issued by the Boxlight customer
service department, must also be clearly displayed on the outside of the shipping
carton containing the Product.
Boxlight shall have no further obligation under the foregoing limited warranty if the
Product has been damaged due to abuse, misuse, neglect, accident, unusual physical or
electrical stress (unusual physical and electrical stress includes unusually long
operation, exposure to smoke and other airborne contaminants), unauthorized
modifications, tampering, alterations, or service other than by Boxlight or its autho-
rized agents, causes other than from ordinary use or failure to properly use the Product
in the application for which said Product is intended.
Boxlight (“Boxlight”) war ran that each CP-740e or CP-730e (“the Product”) sold
Downloaded From projector-manual.com Boxlight Manuals