The most popular metal detecting activity.
Find coins where people congregate frequently. Many detectorists revisit the
same areas again and again to find a never-ending treasure trove as people
continue to lose valuables every day. Parks, fairgrounds, and play ares are
good choices. The most valuable old coins are frequently found in abandoned
home sites, or if you live on an older property, maybe in your own backyard.
Control settings required.
Target-Rejected al least 2-Xs to eliminate iron,
foil, and old pull tabs. Target-Rejected all 3-Xs if you want to find only
copper and silver. If you search for nickels, remember that you will also
encounter some newer pull-tabs. Some newer pull-tabs have a magnetic
signal indistinguishable from nickel.
The most effective relic hunting is best accomplished after conducting historical
research. Visit your local library, or check the internet, for historical events in
your area. You can target specific areas and gain valuable insight into your local
history. Remember to ask permission and respect laws regarding private and
government property.
Control settings required.
No X’s should be displayed. Do not
discriminate out any types of metals as many of the oldest relics contain
This is the most challenging treasure hunt. Gold rings will register in the same
range as pull-tabs. Necklaces will register with zinc and foils. You will dig up
many trash items in your search for jewelry, but jewelry hunting holds the
most potential for reward. Please pick up ant throw away those pull-tabs to
help clean the environment.
Control settings required.
Target-Reject only the 1st X; eliminate IRON
A cache, pronounced “cash,” is a buried or hidden valuable stored inside a
case, can, strong gox, or bag. A cache could be the loot from a bank robbery
or someone’s life savings. Caches can be hidden in floors or walls of an old
house, or buried nearby.
Control settings required.
No X’s should be display. The container
holding the treasure will frequently be a ferrous object, so you want to
detect all types of metal objects.