• If you are just starting an exercise program with your BOSU
Balance Trainer Sport 50
CM workout, choose a time of day that’s good for you and then stick to it closely. You
should choose a time when you feel energetic, when interruptions are few, and when
you have not eaten for approximately two hours.
• Practice each exercise until you are very clear on correct technique. When following
any of the BOSU
exercise videos, begin with the easier variation of each exercise and
progress to the more challenging variations only when you feel ready.
• Using muscle fatigue and proper technique as a guide, increase your repetitions to
the number that you can complete comfortably and correctly. It is more important
to perform the exercises correctly than it is to complete the suggested number of
• Start your program with two BOSU
Balance Trainer Sport 50 CM workouts per week.
If you’d like to add workouts, gradually build up to every other day of the week. It is
important to have one day of rest between challenging workouts.
• Video library available online at: https://www.bosu.com/bosu-exercise-library