Center Channel
Place the DigitalTheater 6000
center channel on top of the
video monitor or TV set. The
f ront of the speaker should
be flush with the front of the
t e l e v i s i o n .
S u b w o o f e r
The level of bass output from the
subwoofer will vary at diff e rent posi-
tions in the room. Corner placement
p rovides the most bass output, while
placement near only one wall pro v i d e s
somewhat less bass. Since low bass sounds are
o m n i d i rectional—the ear can’t tell from which
d i rection they’re coming—the subwoofer can
be located out of sight in the corner of the
room, yet all the sound, including the bass,
appears to come from the DigitalTheater
6 0 0 0 ’s front speakers.
F ront Satellite Speakers
The best location for the front speakers is
to either side of the video monitor or TV.
The speakers can be wall-mounted, or placed
on a bookshelf, with equally good re s u l t s .
Rear Satellite Speakers:
The best location for the rear speakers is to the
side and slightly behind the listeners. The
speakers can be wall-mounted facing out, as
shown. It may be easier to run wire to the
speakers if they are mounted near the flo o r,
facing up towards the ceiling. This position will
p roduce excellent surround results. Mounting
brackets for both options are included.
How to Place the Boston DigitalTheater 6000 System
in Your Room
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