11/15 Rev 1
(508) 480-9762
BosStrap Sliding Sling and Sliding Sling LT with Side Release Tail
Installation and Fitting Instructions
Initial Fit Adjustment of the BosStrap Sliding Sling Strap
These instruction apply to the BosStrap Sliding Sling Strap (BosG5SRT)and to the BosStrap Sliding
Sling Strap LT (BosG5SRTLT).
The BosStrap body strap should be approximately adjusted to fit
you before the Side Release Tail is attached to the camera. Begin
by opening the BosStrap body strap to a larger than needed loop.
Put your head and right arm through the BosStrap. The BosStrap
should be over your left shoulder, across your chest under your
right arm with the nylon fittings at your back. Leave the free end of
the strap dangling down until the final adjustment is made. The
BosStrap is on correctly when the BosStrap logo on the front is
properly oriented as shown in the photograph at right. The
BosStrap length should be adjusted so that the bottom of the metal
slide plate is at your right side, a few inches above your hip.
1” Wide Side Release Tail
BosStrap 1-1/2” Wide Side Release Tail