Getting started guide
Elite Nexus Freestanding & Adhesive Mount
1. Unlock case with keys
provided and remove
3. Place faceplate back on
and lock.
Follow steps 4-6 for
adhesive mount instructions
5. Stick 3M adhesive to the
base of stand and firmly
place down on your mounting
2. Feed cable through the
stand and plug in your tablet
while placing it into the case.
4. Wipe base of stand and your
mounting surface with alcohol
wipes provided and let dry.
6. Let the stand sit for 24
hours before use.
Optional Position Lock
Rotate stand 45 degrees so cable hole is on the
left, then screw in lock screw as shown. This will
lock the rotation for a fixed option.
Optional Cable Cutout
Unscrew existing closed cable cutout and install
the open cable cutout included with stand.