realtime control assignments
—for the onboard TEMPO and UNDO
pedals, optional external pedals, and MIDI controllers.
a master tempo setting
—used by the guide, Tempo Sync, and Loop
The RC-50 features 99 patch locations into which you can save your work.
The PATCH Display and the Play Screen
The RC-50’s front panel provides two patch status displays.
The current patch number is displayed in the PATCH
display, shown in the illustration to the right.
The Play screen is the RC-50’s “home” screen. It’s the screen that’s displayed
after the RC-50 finishes its power-up sequence. At a glance, you can see the
current patch’s name, the remaining recording time, and information about
the phrases’ content.
The Play screen.
Current patch name
Remaining recording time
Phrase content
You can always return to the Play screen from any other screen by
pressing EXIT.
Phrase Content
The phrase content area of the Play screen provides the following information
about the patch’s three phrases:
is displayed when a phrase contains audio.
is displayed when a phrase is empty.
During playback, level meters—
—indicate the current phrase
Selecting Patches
If the current patch contains any newly recorded phrase data
or parameter changes that you wish to keep, you need to save
it to one of the RC-50’s 99 patch locations before selecting a
new patch or turning off the power. If you don’t, this data will
be lost. The patch-saving procedure is covered later in this
Patches can be selected using a number of different methods, either when
the RC-50 is stopped or during phrase playback.
Technically, the RC-50 allows you to select a patch during phrase
recording or overdubbing as well. In actual use, however, you’ll
probably never want to; since your new recording/overdub won’t
be saved to the patch before a new patch is selected, it’ll be lost
immediately when the newly selected patch is loaded.
Using the PATCH/VALUE Dial
When the Play screen is displayed, patches can be
selected using the PATCH/VALUE dial. Simply turn the
dial to select the desired patch.