6. If routing in loft, basement or other area where the condensate hose could be exposed to freezing
conditions, hose should be insulated or changed for pre insulated version.
1. Before servicing the pump, disconnect the electric power at the fuse box.
2. Upon commissioning, check for debris in the drain pan. Remove any material that might block the drain line
or drain into the pump tank.
3. It is recommended that the pump be checked every six to twelve months for proper operation. Most
important is to check for debris blocking the pump discharge adapter/check valve. Check for proper free
movement of pump float (Fig 5).
4. Clean the holding tank and float with warm water and mild soap. Rinse completely when finished.
5. Check the inlet and outlet piping. Clean as necessary. Be sure there are no kinks in the outlet line that would
inhibit or restrict flow.
Figure 5.
1. Turn on power
2. Lift the motor/tank cover assembly off the tank and hold level.
3. Test motor switch by raising main float with finger (Fig 5). Motor should turn on just before float contacts
underside of cover.
4. Replace motor/tank cover assembly on tank. This pump is designed for use with condensing boilers.
Caution must be taken to ensure acidity of condensate does not increase below the average pH of 3.4 (to
prevent localised pockets of acid that acts like a battery causing pitting) by routinely cleaning or flushing tank
with fresh water.
The BSS Group PLC
Fleet House
Lee Circle
Leicester LE13 3QQ
Registered no: 60987 England
*BOSS is a registered trademark of the BSS Group PLC
Little Giant Product Code: 53030478
Main Float