Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the BOSS AD-3 Acoustic Instrument Processor.
Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT
NOTES” (p. 2; p. 5). These sections provide important information concerning the proper operation of the unit.
Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new
unit, this manual should be read in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient
Main Features
A go-anywhere, floor-type effects proces-
sor for electric acoustic guitars, designed
especially for live performances
• Equipped with two pedals (chorus and anti-
feedback auto)
• Low-profile, rugged steel body
Chorus and reverb tuned exclusively
for electric acoustic guitars
• Uses a stereo band-splitting chorus (2 x 2 cho-
rus) to apply effects separately to the bass
and treble bands
• A newly developed, built-in reverb
• The same level of quality as the full-featured
An acoustic guitar-amp simulator you
can hook up and use with a guitar amp
• The AD-3 has an on-board acoustic guitar
amp simulator approaches the original sound
of an acoustic guitar, even with a guitar amp
Bottom and top control designed
exclusively for electric acoustic guitars
• The AD-3 has on-board bottom and top con-
trol for special filters that work differently for
boost and cutoff. This makes for a natural
acoustic sound.
Double anti-feedback reduces acoustic
• Along with the anti-feedback that sets the fre-
quency with a control knob, the AD-3 has a
built-in automatic anti-feedback function that
automatically detects the frequency by oper-
ating a pedal.
• You can use the two anti-feedback functions
at the same time.
“Anti-feedback” is a feature that reduces
acoustic feedback (howling) between the gui-
tar and amp.
Balance output
• The AD-3’s output is balanced, so you can
connect it directly to PA systems.
“Balanced output” is a system that reduces
noise when using stereo cables and so on to
send musical signals to a PA system or
another balanced device.
Dual Power Supply
• In addition to running the AD-3 off batteries
(six AA cells), you can use the AC adaptor.
This means you can use batteries for an on-
stage performance or the AC adaptor when in
your room.
Copyright © 1998
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permis-
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