Speaker Connection
After connecting, when you start up the reverse gear, the unit will receive the picture from car rear
view camera.
Only use groundless loudspeakers.
Use only loudspeakers of minimal 40Watt, using fewer watts may result in damaging your
loudspeakers at higher volumes.
Use 4~8 Ω (Ohm impedance) loudspeakers only; using higher or lesser impedance may damage
the unit.
Do not use 3-cable loudspeakers and do not connect the loudspeakers minus to the car body
(GND). The unit is using a BTL circuit and each loudspeaker must be connected with insulated
cables according the diagram.
Loudspeaker cables and/or optional external power amplifiers must always be about 30cm away
from the antenna and/or antenna extension parts.
Connect the speakers according the following diagram, incorrect connections will damage the unit or
your loudspeakers.
Correct connection
Left front - Right front | Left rear - Right rear
Incorrect connections