General Information on Blood Pressure
Your heart, like a pump that works continuously to distribute
the blood under pressure to every blood vessel throughout
your body, ensures that vital, oxygenated blood ist delivered to
all the organs.
Blood pressure is determined by the strength of the heartbeat,
the elasticity and the diameter of the blood vessels, as well als
various other factors.
The pressure created by the contraction (systolic pressure) of
the heart muscles is higher, and that at the relaxation (diastolic
pressure) ist lower. Both these values are necessary for the
correct evaluation and in medical diagnosis.
Therefore, both the systolic and diastolic pressures are mea-
sured when the blood pressure is taken. The measurement
unit is „mmHg“ = millimetres mercury column.
Blood pressure is never constant, but always changing. In the
morning it is lower than in the evening, and it is lowest when
we are asleep. Depending on physical and mental exertion, it
also changes individually.
Eating, smoking, fear or stress have an influence on our blood
pressure. The seasons too have their effect, with the pressure
in the short term, therefore, higher blood pressure values are
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