Faults and what to do about them
Display panel/indicator
lights do not function
while the appliance is
Power failure?
Fuse tripped? Switch on/replace fuse.
If the fault occurs repeatedly, call customer service.
The programme duration
changes during the wash
Not a fault – unbalanced load detection system adjusts imbalance.
Not a fault – foam detection function active. Additional rinse cycle.
Detergent residue on the
Occasionally phosphate-free detergents contain water-insoluble residue.
or brush items when the laundry is dry.
Spin noise during the dry-
ing phase.
This is an innovative process known as thermal spinning used to reduce energy
consumption during the drying phase.
Different coloured fluff
from the previous drying
cycle is deposited on the
laundry during the subse-
quent wash cycle.
Run the
Fluff Clean
(cold) programme without laundry to remove fluff which
has collected in the washer drum during the drying phase.
Water inlet noise during
the drying phase, the tap
symbol flashes during the
drying phase.
The washer dryer runs a self-cleaning cycle to remove fluff which was deposited
by the laundry during the drying phase. This requires a little water. Therefore,
the tap must be turned on even during the drying phase.
Drying duration
According to the air cooling principle, a higher ambient temperature will
result in poor drying performance, so the drying time will be extended.
Ensure good ventilation to allow surplus heat to escape.
Air filter blocked? Clean the air filter
Run the
Fluff Clean
(cold) programme to remove fluff which has col-
lected in the washer drum during the drying phase.
Drying programme does
not start.
Drying programme not selected? Overview of programmes
Door not closed properly?
Pump blocked? Clean the drain pump