6720648592 (2014/05)
Environment / disposal | 19
Environment / disposal
Environmental protection is a fundamental corporate strategy
of the Bosch Group.
The quality of our products, their efficiency and environmental
safety are all of equal importance to us and all environmental
protection legislation and regu
lations are strictly observed.
We use the best possible te
chnology and materials for
protecting the environment taki
ng into account of economic
We participate in the recycling programmes of the countries in
which our products are sold to ensure optimum recycling.
All of our packaging materials ar
e environmentally friendly and
can be recycled.
Used appliances
Used appliances contain valuab
le materials that should be
The various assemblies can be ea
sily dismantled and synthetic
materials are marked accordingly. Assemblies can therefore be
sorted by composition and passed on for recycling or disposal.