NLHome Connect
15.4 Basic dosing amount
†Device with WLAN home network
work (WiFi) with WPS function",
†Device with WLAN home network
The Home Connect app guides you
through the entire registration
process. Follow the instructions in the
Home Connect app to make the
The basic dosing amount is based on
the information from the detergent
manufacturer, the water hardness
and the degree of soiling of the
Always set a basic dosing amount,
which is geared to a standard load
of 4.5 kg.
Basic dosing amount
To adjust
†Take the supplied document
of Home Connect. †Also take
the directions
the Home Connect app.
Press . for approx. 3 si-DOS.
aThe display shows the set ba-
hissing quantity for .
Press / to adjust the setting.
†Follow the safety instructions
ties in this manual and make sure
that they are also observed when
you operate the appliance via the
Home Connect app.
†Operating the device
always takes precedence. During
this time, operation via the Home
Connect app is not possible.
To finish the setting, wait briefly.
Remark:To adjust the basic dosing
amount for, repeat the steps with i-
uncle Connect
6 Home Connect
This device is network capable.
Connect your appliance to a mobile
terminal device to be able to operate
functions via the Home Connect app,
adjust basic settings or monitor the
current operating status.
uncle Connect
16.1 Connecting device to
WLAN home network
(WiFi) with WPS function
†Your router has a WPS
†Wifi on the router is activated. †The
basic WiFi setting on the device
rate is activated.
†Activate WiFi on the device",
†The appliance has
cation reception from the home
network (Wi-Fi).
†The Home Connect app is on the
mobile terminal installed.
Remark:More information can be
found in the digital operating
instructions by scanning the QR code
in the table of contents or on
The Home Connect services are not
available in every country. The
availability of the Home Connect
function depends on the availability of
the Home Connect services in your
country. Information on this can be
found at: www.home-connect.com.