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Configuring cyclic data
In order to determine the parameter number and updating frequency of the
cyclic display in the ”Actual values” range of the module status display, select
the menu sequence:
Parameter names are dis-
played in the currently selected
language (cf. section 3.4)
Input of parame-
ter numbers to
be displayed
Select time
Enter the parameter numbers to be cyclically displayed in fields ”Value 1” to
”Value 4”.
Although you may enter any available parameter in the fields, only those pa-
rameters make sense whose value changes with time.
Click on the desired updating conditions:
Windows idle status:
fastest possible updating method. Whenever the operating system is not
busy performing other tasks, the data will be updated.
Timer, every xx seconds:
fixed time interval for updating (default: 3 seconds).
The PC may respond very slowly to user activities!
The ”Windows idle status” setting provides the fastest updates,
however, it may lead to quite ”tough” response times, especially if
slow computers are used.
You should only use this updating condition if frequent updates of
the display are absolutely necessary.
Clicking on ”OK” will activate all changes immediately.
For displaying these or any other parameters cyclically in separate
windows, refer to section 6.5, page 6–6.