3 608 870 A47
Tightening Technology |
Bosch Rexroth AG 187
Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner
| 3 608 870 A47/2019-10
Use this menu item to set the nutrunner’s operating mode for various operational conditions. With this
menu item you can also specify the settings for the ID code to identify a set of results data and the
configuration of a superordinate ID input step (outside of the job function). The read ASCII code can be
linked to a tightening program or a job, i.e. when the code is read, the respective tightening program or
the job starts. This setting defines the assignment table via menu
ID assignment
In menu
OK/NOK counter
, a maximum value for OK/NOK tightening processes can be
defined. If
is defined as the ID input source in the mode in the
ID input
step, the OK/NOK
counter can be reset by repeated scanning after the maximum number is reached.
Structure of the Mode tab
The header of the
tab features the following buttons:
On its left, it shows icons to start various functions:
As of Nexo firmware version 1100, the mode function is supported.
As of Nexo firmware version 1100, the mode function is used to set up the ID code to identify a set of
results data (
Selection of the ID code source
) via the start step.
As of Nexo firmware version 1300, the operating mode (manual mode or automatic mode) can be
selected for the Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner. From version 1300, program selection by means of HMI
is only possible in the
operating mode.
Table 9–9:
Mode tab
Saves the current settings.
Opens the
Information mode
dialog. There, a comment on the current program can
be saved.
All settings in this tab are reset to the factory setting.
Table 9–10:
Mode - functions
As of Nexo firmware version 1300. Adds a branch.
Adds an ID input step.
Opens the dialog for editing the selected step.
Deletes a selected mode.
As of Nexo firmware version 1300. Deletes the branch.