Indicates the current gateway address of the field bus coupler
Host name
Displays the current host name
Domain name
Displays the current domain name
DNS Server 1
Displays the current IP address of the DNS server
DNS Server 2
Displays the current IP address of the alternative DNS server
Module status
Operational hour
counter [h]
Displays the total operational hours of the Sercos field bus
Error group
The error group, error code and error argument all show the
occurring error (see
chapter 10.5.4 "Meaning of Blink Codes
and Measures for Error Recovery" on page 110
Error code
Error argument
Error description
Description of the error
Tab. 8-2:
Describing parameters of the "status information" page
"TCP/IP Configuration" Page
The parameters for the Ethernet configuration can be changed on this
TCP/IP configuration site.
Fig. 8-3:
"TCP/IP Configuration" page
1. To confirm the entries, click SUBMIT.
Rexroth IndraControl S67 Sercos Coupler 8 Digital Inputs (M8)
Bosch Rexroth AG
Web-Based Management (WBM)