Bosch Rexroth AG
, RE 92202/02.2015
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mobile Applications
Glockeraustrasse 4
89275 Elchingen, Germany
Tel. +49 7308 / 82-0
[email protected]
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forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be
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above only serve to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain
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A7VO Series 63
| Axial piston variable pump
Project planning notes
Project planning notes
▶ The A7VO pump is designed to be used in open circuits.
▶ Project planning, installation and commissioning of the
axial piston units requires the involvement of skilled
▶ Before using the axial piston unit, please read the corre-
sponding instruction manual thoroughly and completely.
If necessary, request them from Bosch Rexroth.
▶ Before finalizing your design, request a binding installa-
tion drawing.
▶ The specified data and notes must be observed.
▶ Pressure controllers are no protection from pressure
overload. A separate pressure relief valve is to be pro-
vided in the hydraulic system.
▶ Depending on the operating condition of the axial piston
unit (operating pressure, fluid temperature), the charac-
teristic may shift.
▶ Not all versions of the product are approved for use in a
safety function pursuant to ISO 13849. Please consult
the responsible contact person at Bosch Rexroth if you
require reliability parameters (e.g. MTTF
) for functional
▶ Working ports:
– The ports and fastening threads are designed for the
specified maximum pressure. The machine or system
manufacturer must ensure that the connecting ele-
ments and lines correspond to the specified operat-
ing conditions (pressure, flow, hydraulic fluid, tem-
perature) with the necessary safety factors.
– The working ports and function ports can only be
used to accommodate hydraulic lines.
Safety instructions
▶ During and shortly after operation, there is a risk of
burns on the axial piston unit and especially on the
solenoids. Take appropriate safety measures (e.g. by
wearing protective clothing).
▶ Moving parts in control and regulation systems (e.g.
valve spools) may in certain circumstances become
stuck in an undefined position due to contamination
(e.g. contaminated hydraulic fluid, abrasion or residual
dirt from components). As a result, the hydraulic fluid
flow or build-up of torque of the axial piston unit will no
longer respond correctly to the operator's commands.
Even the use of different filter cartridges (external or
internal inlet filter) will not rule out a fault but merely
minimize the risk. The machine/system manufacturer
must test whether remedial measures are needed on the
machine for the application concerned in order to set
the consumer being driven to a safe position (e.g. safe
stop) and if necessary to ensure it is properly imple-