If pressure is not maintained over
the rear shoe through the end of the
cut, a divot may be created in the
workpiece once the front shoe clear
the end of the workpiece. To
minimize this possibility, use a 3-way
edge clamp to hold a piece of scrap
wood (at least 1½" / 38 mm thick) on
the end of the workpiece, aligned
with the surface to be planed. Doing
this moves the location of a potential
divot off the workpiece and on to the
piece of scrap wood (Fig. 9).
Feed the planer at a uniform and
reasonable rate that does not put
excessive strain on the motor or
blades, (do not pull the planer back
over the surface already cut.)
Use progressive cuts until you are
near the desired depth, and then re-
adjust to a thin cut for the final pass
to obtain a good surface finish.
The motor may stall
if improperly used or
Reduce the pressure (feed
rate) or depth of cut to prevent possible
damage to the tool if the motor labors.
Depth of cut and feed rate
The cutting depth (planing depth) is
determined by the difference in height
between the adjustable front shoe and
the fixed rear shoe of the planer. The
d e p t h k n o b a d j u s t s t h e f r o n t s h o e ,
which retracts and exposes the blade
and determines the amount of material
r e m o v e d f r o m t h e w o r k p i e c e . T h e
cutting depth range is from 0 to 1/16"
(1.5 mm) per pass. (Fig. 1)
The appropriate depth of cut and feed
rate depends on the workpiece material:
To avoid clogging and/or damage to the
motor, a more (thin) cut and/or a slower
feed rate may be needed if the material
h a s a n y o f t h e s e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s :
h a r d n e s s ; g u m m i n e s s , s a p p i n e s s ,
moisture, paint, varnish and/or knots.
Also, when planing against the grain or
across the grain rather than with the
grain, a shallower cut and/or slower
f e e d r a t e i s r e q u i r e d . W h e n e v e r
possible, test by planing a similar piece
of scrap material.
U s e m u l t i p l e , p r o g r e s s i v e c u t s t o
achieve the total desired depth.
Start with a thin cut. If the planer moves
freely through the workpiece with no
excessive load on the motor, the depth
setting can be increased before the next
cut. (Do not change depth of cut while
When near the desired total depth, re-
a d j u s t t h e p l a n i n g d e p t h t o a t h i n
setting for the final cut to obtain a good
surface finish.
Adjusting the Depth of Cut:
depth adjustment knob clockwise until
the indicator is aligned with the desired
c u t t i n g d e p t h o n t h e d e p t h s c a l e
(Fig. 1).
Beveling Edges
The V-grooves in the front planer base
plate allow quick and easy beveling of
workpiece edges.
Depending on required bevel width, use
the corresponding V-groove. For this,
place the planer with the V-groove onto
the edge of the workpiece and guide it
along the edge (Fig. 10).
Rabbeting Depth Stop
T h e o p t i o n a l r a b b e t i n g d e p t h s t o p
accessory (Fig. 1) allows the user to set
Fig. 10
Operating Instructions
Groove to
be used
0 – 4
2 – 6
4 – 6
4 – 9
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