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MKE Synchronous Servomotors
Product- and technology-dependent safety instructions
Bosch Rexroth AG
R911414374, Edition 01
For persons with active body aids (like heart
pacemakers), passive metallic implants (like
hip prosthesis) and pregnant women pos-
sible hazards exist due to electro magnetic
or magnetic fields in direct environment of
electric drive and control components and
the corresponding live conductors.
Access into these areas can be dangerous for
these persons:
Areas, in which components of electrical
drive and control systems and corre-
sponding live conductors are mounted,
activated or operated.
Areas in which motor parts with perma-
nent magnets are stored, repaired or
Above mentioned persons must contact their
attending physician before entering these
Please observe the valid industrial safety
regulations for plants which are fitted with
components of electrical drive and control
systems and corresponding live conductors.
Crushing hazard of fingers and hands due to
strong attractive forces of the magnets!
Handle only with protective gloves.
Risk of destruction of sensitive parts! Data loss!
Keep watches, credit cards, check cards and
identity cards and all ferromagnetic metal
parts, such as iron, nickel and cobalt away
from permanent magnets.
Protection against ignitable
electrostatic discharges
Danger of explosion due to electrostatic dis-
Electrostatic discharges may ignite gases, vapors
and dust. Electrostatic charges may be caused
e.g. by the following processes:
electrostatic painting
pneumatically conveyed dust or bulk material
hydraulically conveyed or flowing liquids and
mechanically driven belts, brushes and films,
Danger of explosion due to highly charge-gener-
ating processes
Highly charge-generating processes may cause
bush discharges or propagating bush discharges
and lead to explosions. This must be prevented.
This, in turn, may lead to death, severe injury and
damage to property.
Carry out cleaning work only with a moist cloth
Clean the motor with a moist cloth to avoid
electrostatic charge. Rubbing with non-conduc-
tive materials must be avoided to prevent electro-
static charges resulting in ignition hazards.
Protection against burns
Risk of burns due to hot motor surfaces!
Avoid contact with hot motor surfaces. Tem-
peratures may rise over 60
Allow the motors to cool down long enough
before touching them.
Temperature-sensitive components may not
come into contact with the motor surface.
Ensure appropriate mounting distance of
connection cables and other components.
Electrostatic sensitive devices
The motors contain parts which underlie an elec-
trostatic danger. These components, especially
temperature sensors of the motor winding can be
destroyed by improper use.
Avoid, e.g. direct contact of open wires or con-
tacts of the connection cable of temperature sen-
sors without being electrostatically discharged or
Do suitable ESD protective measures
before you handle imperiled components (e.g.
ESD protective clothes, wristlets, conductive
floor, grounded cabinets and working surfaces).