Edition: October 2013 Document N°: F.01U.136.807 V2
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Locator Function
The NurseCall system can be set to handle a Locator function. For this purpose, beacon
modules and antennas of type IS75 or IS76 need to be installed on doors or corridors in the
building you want to supervise. When passing one of these modules the Wristband Transmit-
ters of type S37L or the Pendant Transmitters of type S35L refresh the position information
that is stored into them. When triggering an Alarm, the transmitters S37L and S35L do not
only transmit the identification (who sent the alarm), but also the position of the last passed
module (where has the alarm been triggered).
At the arrival of a call, the information of the actual position is indicated additionally on the
NurseCall units. This information can be made visible by pressing the yellow button on the
NurseCall Main- or Relay Unit.
“Locator” information block:
255 positions (POS: 000 - 254) can be differentiated. When passing beacon modules with
position numbers 231 - 254 the transmitters S37L and S35L can send a call for help auto-
matically without manual activation (wandering). Fixed transmitters that do not handle a
Locator function (N46) are always indicated with the position 000.
IS76 Beacon with Ferrite Antenna
The IS76 Beacon system consists of two elements:
The IS76 Ferrite Antenna
The IS76 Ferrite Beacon Controller
IS76 Ferrite Antenna
The IS76 Ferrite antenna has to be mounted on the place that has to be identified with a
location beacon code. The antenna is well suited to be mounted in a vertical position on (or
next to) a door frame. In some circumstances it may also be mounted horizontally. The IS76
Ferrite Antenna can be placed outdoors as well as indoors.
POS: 077