Mise en service/fonctions | Inbetriebnahme/Funktionen | Operation/func-
tions | Puesta en marcha/Funciones | Attivazione / funzioni |
Ingebruiknemen/functies | Uvedení do provozu/funkce
Status screen
As well as the status bar, the
status page also shows you
the current time and the
state of charge of all your
eBike's batteries, as well as
the state of charge of your
smartphone battery if the
smartphone is connected via
It may also display symbols
to indicate an activated
Bluetooth® function or a
device connected via
Bluetooth® (e.g. a heart-rate
monitor). You will also be
shown the date of the most
recent synchronisation
between the smartphone and
You can access the <Set-
tings> from the bottom sec-
You can access the settings menu via the status page. The
<Settings> cannot be accessed or changed while riding.
You can use the – (11) and + (12) buttons to select the set-
ting you want. You can open the settings, as well as any addi-
tional submenus, using the select button (9). You can use
the < button (10) to go back to the previous menu from any
settings menu.
You can find the following superordinate sections on the first
navigation level:
– <Registration> – Information about registration:
This menu item is only displayed if you have not yet re-
gistered with eBike Connect.
– <My eBike> – Settings for your eBike
You can reset the counters (such as the number of kilo-
metres travelled that day or average values) to zero either
automatically or manually, and you can reset the range.
You can change the wheel circumference value that was
preset by the manufacturer by ±5 %. If your eBike fea-
tures eShift, you can also configure your eShift system
here. The bicycle manufacturer or dealer may base the
service date on the distance travelled and/or a period of
time. The due date for the service is displayed under
<Next Service: [DD. Mon. YYYY] or at [xxxxx] [km]>.
The bike component page displays the serial number and
hardware and software versions for each component in
addition to other key data which is relevant for the com-
– <My profile> – Active user data
– <Bluetooth> – Switching the Bluetooth® function on or
Connected devices are displayed.
– <Sys settings> – A list of setting options for your on-
board computer
You can display the speed and distance in kilometres or
miles, display the clock in 12- or 24-hour format, adjust
the time, date and time zone and select your preferred
language. You can reset the Kiox to its factory settings,
run a software update (if available) and choose between a
black or white design.
– <Information> – Information about your Kiox
Information on FAQs (frequently asked questions), certi-
fication, contact information, information on licences
You can find a detailed description of each parameter in the
online operating instructions at
Quick Menu
Selected settings are displayed on the Quick Menu. These
settings can be changed even while riding.
You can access the Quick Menu via the select button (9). It
cannot be accessed from the Status screen.
The following settings can be changed via the Quick Menu:
– <Reset trip data?>
All data on the journey so far is reset to zero.
– <eShift>
You can set the cadence here.
– <eSuspension>
This is where you can set a manufacturer-defined shock
absorption or suspension mode.
English – 7
Bosch eBike Systems
1 270 020 XBK | (12.03.2019)
Écran d‘état
Le masque d’état affiche, en plus de la barre d’état, l’heure actuelle, le niveau de charge de toutes les batteries de votre vélo élec
trique et l’état de charge de l’accu de votre smartphone si le smartphone est connecté via Bluetooth®. En-dessous apparaissent
éventuellement les symbols indiquant qu’une connexion Bluetooth® est active ou qu’un appareil (par ex. un cardiofréquencemètre)
est connecté via Bluetooth®. Il apparaît également la date de la dernière synchronisation entre smartphone et Kiox. Tout en bas, vous
pouvez accéder aux <Paramètres>. Le menu Paramètres est accessible à partir du masque d’état. Les <Paramètres> ne sont pas
accessibles et modifiables pendant que vous roulez. Sélectionnez le réglage souhaité avec les touches – (5) et + (6) et activez-le ainsi
que les sous-menus éventuels avec la touche de sélection (8). La touche < (3) permet de revenir au menu précédent à partir du menu
Paramètres. Dans le premier niveau de navigation, vous trouvez les rubriques suivantes :
– <Inscription> – <Mon VAE> – <Mon profil> – <Config. système> – <Informations>
Auf dem Status-Screen werden Ihnen neben der Statusleiste die aktuelle Uhrzeit, der Ladezustand aller Akkus Ihres eBikes und der
Ladezustand Ihres Smartphone-Akkus angezeigt, falls das Smartphone über Bluetooth® verbunden ist. Darunter werden ggf. Symbole
zur Anzeige einer aktivierten Bluetooth®-Funktion oder eines über Bluetooth® verbundenen Geräts (z.B. ein Herzfrequenzmesser)
abgebildet. Ebenso wird Ihnen das Datum der letzten Synchronistion zwischen Smartphone und Kiox angezeigt. Im unteren Bereich
haben Sie Zugriff auf die <Einstellungen>. Zugang zum Einstellungsmenü erhalten Sie über den Status-Screen. Die <Einstellungen>
können nicht während der Fahrt erreicht und angepasst werden. Mit den Tasten – (5) und + (6) können Sie die gewünschte Einstellung
wählen und diese sowie eventuell weiterführende Untermenüs mit der Auswahltaste (8) öffnen. Aus dem jeweiligen Einstellungsmenü
können Sie mit der Taste < (3) in das vorherige Menü zurückblättern.
In der ersten Navigationsebene finden Sie die folgenden übergeordneten Bereiche:
– <Registrierung> – <Mein eBike> – <Mein Profil> – <Bluetooth> – <Systemeinst. (Systemeinstellungen)> – <Informationen>
Status screen
As well as the status bar, the status page also shows you the current time and the state of charge of all your eBike‘s batteries, as well as
the state of charge of your smartphone battery if the smartphone is connected via Bluetooth®. It may also display symbols to indicate
an activated Bluetooth® function or a device connected via Bluetooth® (e.g. a heart-rate monitor). You will also be shown the date of
the most recent synchronisation between the smartphone and Kiox. You can access the <Settings> from the bottom section. You can
access the settings menu via the status page. The <Settings> cannot be accessed or changed while riding.
You can use the – (5) and + (6) buttons to select the setting you want. You can open the settings, as well as any additional submenus,
using the select button (8). You can use the < button (3) to go back to the previous menu from any settings menu.
You can find the following superordinate sections on the first navigation level:
– <Registration> – <My eBike> – <My profile>– <Bluetooth> – <Sys settings> – <Information>