View Log
Use the View Log function to review events stored in
your security system. Reviewing past events might help
you identify problems. Events are stored in the control
panel’s memory in order of occurrence, and tagged with
the date and time.
Viewing the log:
1. Open the Main menu.
2. Use [NEXT] to go to the Events menu option, and
press [ENTER], or simply press [7].
3. Use [NEXT] to go to the View Log menu option, and
press [ENTER], or simply press [3]. The keypad
shows Enter Start Date.
To view part of the log, enter the date (MM/DD) at
which you wish to start the review. Press [ENTER].
To view the entire log from the newest event, press
[ENTER] without entering a start date. The date and
time of the newest event shows. Use [PREV] or
[NEXT] to move through the events. If an event
description is longer than the display, the event
description scrolls horizontally.
4. Press [ESC] to exit the menu.
194 en | B92x/B91x Events menu
Control Panels
2014.04 | 05 | F.01U.287.176
Bosch Security Systems, Inc.